About Extended

Created: 20 October 2022, 18:04:00 EDT
Last updated: 4 December 2022, 16:04:07 EST

The banner logo of WtW.



Wayward to Wilds is a plot-driven, set-ending roleplay that will only have one opening with a limited number of members. Taking inspiration from sources such as The Cat Returns, Aristocats, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Breath of the Wild and other fantasy TTRPGs, WtW is a world filled with cats who can function on both four legs as well as two. Your character will have opportunities to impact and influence the story, as well as come up with creative ways to overcome obstacles and defeat monsters. We will be crafting each event to be fun and engaging while you uncover our story. If you find yourself new to this kind of roleplay, read on, as we’ll explain everything you need to know!

As WtW is a set-ending roleplay, this means there will be a concrete beginning, and a concrete end, after which the roleplay will wrap up and the mods will no longer run events. The world will always be open for members to play around with, but there will be no more story to engage with once we have wrapped up the plot.  We will work with our members to craft an unforgettable adventure, but all adventures must come to an end eventually.

This campaign is 16+ for potential slightly unsettling and horror related imagery, particularly to do with the Boundless. It is by no means a horror campaign but these creatures are meant to be unnatural and unsettling, and we will do our best to spoiler and tag any images that may be uncomfortable for general viewing.

Due to the nature of set-ending roleplays, there will only be one opening with a limited number of members allowed - as much as we wish we could accept everyone, for the sake of our story and the energy we’re able to give to our members, we have to limit it. Each member will only be allowed one single character over the course of the group. However, this is beneficial as it allows members to really get to know each other and each others’ characters, something we find makes a roleplay that much more enjoyable!

As for the story itself, we will be crafting it through events called Expeditions, and breaks between expeditions called Rest Breaks! Expeditions will be the main way we tell the story. They’ll be filled with lore, NPCs, puzzles, combat, and a variety of events to ensure members are having fun as they work to uncover the mysteries of Waywardia. Activity is required, and we expect members to take part. Rest breaks are members’ time to do just that - rest! Roleplaying and participation are not required during these time periods, although it’s greatly encouraged, and we will be hosting fun, optional events to encourage participation.

The group as a whole will take place on Discord, and an account is required for participation, as all of our news and updates will be given directly to members there. We are a literate roleplay, and many of the roleplay events themselves will be hosted on Google Docs. For those who have never taken part in a roleplay of that style, don’t worry! It’s a lot easier than it looks, and it allows mods to stay organized and keep track of things better. We do expect a certain level of literacy, however - nothing too wild, but definitely more than script roleplay. If writing is something you don’t have fun with, it’s certainly something to consider if that will impact your enjoyment of the group. 

There is a lot in store here at Wayward to Wilds, from magic systems to item catalogs to other surprises we can’t wait to unveil to everyone. If you find yourself interested in applying, we greatly encourage you to read through all of our available information and invest yourself in our world as you craft your character. We have put a lot of time and effort into creating this universe, and we are so excited to fully introduce it to you all. 

So, dear traveler, we leave you with just one question - will you join the Wayseeker’s Guild and rise to the call to uncover the secrets of magic?

Two cats, dressed with adventurer's gear, smiling. On the left is a lavender pointed longhair with blue eyes, sitting with a paw raised. The right cat is a ginger tabby with a white underbelly and green eyes, standing up on their hind legs and waving