Group Rules

Created: 11 April 2022, 20:49:39 EDT
Last updated: 9 December 2022, 16:36:30 EST


✦ Please treat all your fellow members with respect. If someone asks you to stop doing something, please do so without hesitating. Showing general kindness to everyone around you will be noticed and much appreciated.

✧ You must have a Discord profile in order to join - much of our group content will be shared and announced through our Discord server, and you will need to be there to participate.

✦ This group’s minimum age for members is 16+. If you’re found to be lying about your age, we will be forced to remove you from the group.

✧ Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes any kind of hate speech - racism, homophobia, transphobia, so on and so forth. Absolutely none of that is welcome here.

✦ If you’re having trouble with another member, please keep it out of public group spaces (server, google docs, etc) and try to work it out directly with the other party. If the problem persists and you cannot work it out between yourselves/you begin to feel uncomfortable, please reach out to the admin team and we will do our best to handle the situation. If no compromise can be reached, it may end up with a removal of one or both parties, but we will do our absolute best to mediate and settle things before it reaches that point.

✧ If you’re having problems with a member of the staff team, please reach out to a different staff member and we will help you solve the situation!

✦ We allow 1 month hiatuses at a time - please report a hiatus to a staff member as soon as you know you’ll need one. At the end of that month, we will check in with you to see if you’re ready to re-integrate into the group and make that transition as seamlessly as possible. If you need more time, we can work it out at that point. Group participation is incredibly important to WTW so if you expect to be gone much of the year, this group may not be for you.

✧ If you have any important information you would like us to know, please DM the admin team and we will note it down!

✦ No plagiarism allowed! All art/writing must be your own, or permission must be given for you to post/use it for the group.

✧ We will not allow discussion of the use of alcohol/tobacco in the server or the site. If it happens, we will request that the conversation stops or even for messages to be deleted. Additionally, please do not participate in the server under the influence of substances, and do not discuss stories of being under the influence.


✦ General group rules apply in RP - no harassment, hate speech, or drama will be tolerated!

✧ We also ask you keep certain themes out of roleplay itself - please refrain from having your character behave in a way that could be construed as homophobic/transphobic/ableist/etc, especially if another member doesn’t wish to roleplay that/is uncomfortable with such behavior coming from a character.

✦ Before engaging in a plot with a fellow member, please make sure you’re both on the same page with what you’re hoping to get out of it. Don’t assume someone else’s character will behave a certain way and get disappointed if they don’t.

✧ Along the same lines, please avoid godmodding or trying to control the narrative on your own!

✦ If you have an idea for a larger character-driven plot that may or may not affect the group as a whole, please DM the admins before diving in. While we don’t want to stifle creativity we do want to ensure everyone in the group has fun, and engages in plots they all feel interested in and comfortable with. We can help you plot things to make sure it’s for the benefit of the group as a whole. This doesn’t apply to minor plots/personal character plots! Solely plots that may end up affecting characters on a more widespread level (murder, creation of different factions between the characters, etc).

✧ If you plan on killing your character off, please get in touch with the admin team well in advance so we can help you plan that out. Whether it’s because you’re leaving the group, or you want to stick around but feel that death is an appropriate outcome for your character’s arc, the admin team will help you plot the details and ensure it’s what you want to have happen.

✦ While it’s only natural to have favorite characters among the group, please keep any language along the lines of favoritism or preferences out of the server! We’re one big community and everyone’s character is equally important, and we don’t want to foster the idea that some are more valued than others.

✧ Characters cannot use alcohol/tobacco in roleplay. If it happens, we will request that it is removed from the post.