Waywardia History

Created: 25 September 2022, 21:28:15 EDT
Last updated: 20 February 2023, 18:47:10 EST




Year 0 - The end of Peter and Aspel's war

Year 480 - The Scientist introduces magic technology

Year 495 - The Boundless appear

Year 500 - The Wayseeker's Guild forms

Year 500, Febru 14 - The Wayseeker's Guild call goes out and begins spreading

Year 500, Joone 12 - The Wayseeker's Guild's work begins

Modern day

In Waywardia, magic flows in the ground we tread and the air we breathe.

But it was never ours.

Intrepid explorers and scholars alike marveled at magical phenomena and powerful beasts, but their machinations escaped our grasp. We tried and failed to harness it, and catfolk gave up our hopes of wielding magic.

Dreams were cast aside…until the Scientist appeared.

With wide-eyed thrill, the eccentric young cat announced they had unlocked the secrets of magic. With their machinery, catfolk could finally use magic for ourselves.

Magic technology boomed throughout Waywardia. Thanks to the Scientist’s gadgets, magic beasts were tamed, harvests flourished, and the sick were healed from the brink of death.

The world ushered in a new era, and Waywardia became more connected than ever before.

And then the beasts emerged.

Strange and ghastly creatures unleashed their might upon Waywardia. The frightened population turned to the Scientist for salvation, and they promised a solution…but then they vanished.

Abandoned and cornered, we turned to the Scientist’s inventions, yet magic technology did nothing to repel the beasts we called the Boundless. Our gadgets began to malfunction, and it seemed magic would slip out of our control again.

Two cats rose above this torrent of despair and spread out a call: for all who wish to unravel the mysteries of magic and the Boundless, join the Wayseeker’s Guild!

Their names are Silas and Agnes, and they swear to banish the Boundless and restore balance to the world’s magic.

Will you join them and discover the key to magic?

Ancient history: the tale of aspel and peter

Most little ones in Waywardia have been told the story of Aspel and Peter as they’re tucked into their beds–a story about when magic flowed through the bodies of two catfolk themselves, and was more than a spectacle to be admired.

    Aspel and Peter, childhood friends, were each bestowed with magical gifts: Aspel the freedom of wings, and Peter the gills to explore uncharted sea floors. Some say they sprouted these transmuted features by miracle, and others say they were born with them. Many suggest that the wind and water bent to their will in reverence.

What they agree on, however, is that Aspel soared over the continent, and in seeing the abundant magic bursting across it, he named it Waywardia. Peter, diving and swimming in the waves that lapped at the shore, named the sea Farsail, understanding that the ocean stretched far beyond the reach of himself and boats alike.

    Eventually, they each settled and founded their own towns. Aspel helped build the town of Freeheart, and Peter the town of Seaworn. They used their magical gifts to lead, but Peter grew more ambitious by the day. He guided his people out to sea, discovering bounties unreachable by any other cats. They ventured out with fleets of ships, taking everything the ocean could offer, with Peter diving to retrieve gifts from the deepest sea floors. And eventually, the sea took its vengeance.

    A kraken broke the surface and attacked the city of Seaworn, unleashing its wrath upon fishermen, sailors, and citizens alike. Day after day, the creature struck, and the waves raged against their city. At a loss, Peter sent a call for help to Aspel and his people.

    Aspel and the people of Freeheart came, but were frightened by the carnage of Seaworn. Had Peter’s magic wrought this upon them? And if they intervened, would magic beasts target Freeheart, too? For the safety of his people, Aspel turned back and left Seaworn and Peter to fend for themselves.

    When little was left of Seaworn but ruin, Peter and the survivors turned their gaze to Freeheart. They were bitter–how many lives might have been saved if they were brave enough to step in? With grief guiding them, they gathered their strength and brought war to Freeheart.

    The forces of Peter and Aspel clashed, and destruction spread across Waywardia. Catfolk all over the continent picked sides–many faced without a choice as the war came to their doorsteps–and the fighting stretched on for years until Aspel and Peter decided to meet one-on-one.

    They met at Mt. Starfree, bringing all their magic to bear. And that night, all the stars twinkled as if to watch them…until one fell from the sky.

    Burning and furious, the star seemed to sprout wings and descend upon Mt. Starfree like a comet, and catfolk say the whole world trembled at its roar. It captured the continent in its brightness until it struck the mountain. Aspel and Peter did not return.

    Their bodies were discovered dead, and no sign of the mysterious star was found. Without leadership, the war fizzled into small skirmishes until it finally ended, and healing could begin. This marked Year 0.


Aspel and peter: present day

    Many citizens in Freeheart and Seaworn still honor Aspel and Peter, respectively. No war has touched Waywardia since then. Some worship the pair as deities, awestruck by the cats who commanded the sky and sea.

    Aspel is known for wisdom, shelter, and steadfastness. Peter is known for ambition, loyalty, and grit.