Rest Break 2 + Updates

Posted 13 January 2023, 22:57:11 EST by rookruff

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Recount the Stone Forest | The Guild Leader's Office

Hi Everyone! Hope your holidays have been wonderful. With the busy portion of this time of year over, we’re back to releasing more Rest Break features- this time with a big update!

Expedition 1 Recap

Since it’s been a hot second since Expedition 1 and many of us may be out since the Holidays, here’s a summary of Expedition 1!

  • After being accepted, the newly formed Guild makes their way to the Greendoze Town Hall. After warm welcomes from the Guild Leaders, Agnes and Silas, they open up a Q&A session and lead everyone to their teams to break the ice. Cupcakes, matching bandanas and other gear are supplied.
  • Maps are handed out to every team, revealing the first expedition's location: The Forest of Stone.
  • Teams are told to pick a route, each one having a different challenge they face to travel through the Stone forest.
  • Events include:
    • A path obstructed by colourful plants of all sorts, which give an effect when stepped into. In the middle is revealed to be a Laurelstone which pulses and seems to affect the odd plants. Many teams also find a Boundless lurking nearby.
    • A magic trap of sorts, which encloses the teams in a space with a strange pond gives odd sensations when stared at. The team must match the reflection of the magical pond with their surroundings to find the escape, and rescue a missing local from the same predicament.
    • A baby magical animal, which finds itself in trouble, alerting its mother. Teams must deal with both helping the baby while facing the fury of the mother.
    • An oddly created wall that obstructs the route. An equally odd squirrel holds the key among the gathered trinkets in its hollow. Teams must gain the trust (or be cunning enough) to be granted the key from the rodent. During this, birds begin to attack, leaving the squirrel’s fate up to the team. 
    • A caterpillar Boundless which holds a Laurelstone. As teams chase it, they find themselves in an unnerving area full of dark cocoons nesting all around. Opening one brings out a moth.
  • During travels, some teams find statues deep in the natural labyrinth, looking to be worn from centuries of age. 
  • As everyone reaches the middle, a cavern in the center of the Stone Forest, which holds a very large Laurelstone- bigger than any has ever seen- The crystal pulses with 
  • This incredible discovery is interrupted by a rush of Boundless invading. Most seem in sync, except a few which attack and face the teams head on. 
  • The Boundless the teams face begin to use odd magical attacks on the Guild members. 
  • The Boundless also seem incredibly attracted to this large piece of Laurelstone, and with every passing moment, and every Boundless gnawing or scratching at the discovery, the tension rises.
  • Energy is released as the Laurelstone succumbs under the weight of the beasts, and the teams experience different magical phenomena, such as levitating, having the ground shake beneath their feet, or having gusts of winds pushing them back.
  • The tension reaches a breaking point, and the Laurelstone finally explodes, sending the Wayseeker’s Guild flying against the walls of the cavern as the Boundless evaporate in glee.
  • A voice calls out to the guild before they’re shrouded in darkness- it’s Agnes. She and Silas have found them.
  • However… a strange vision manifests in their minds. They find themselves in different scenarios, and within those places, they find their calling- they find their magic.
  • Afterwards, everyone wakes up in the Greendoze hospital, met with Agnes and Silas' worried faces. They tell everyone to recuperate until further instruction


Expedition 2 Update

We promised you all that we would communicate any changes on the progress and plans of Expedition 2’s development, and so we’ll start this with an update on Expedition 2. Due to the holidays, development temporarily slowed down, and therefore we have decided to extend the rest break slightly to allow us time to catch up and fully prepare for the new expedition so that we can give you the best experience possible. Therefore, Expedition 2 will be released sometime in **early February**, within the first two weeks. We thank you for your patience, we can’t wait to begin!

Please be aware that this rest break is unusually long due to the Christmas season, and future rest breaks will be shorter. Therefore, keep in mind that you won’t have this long to complete prompts in future rest breaks, so plan your time accordingly! 

Crafting and Shops

Crafting and Shops are now live! Finally, things to do with all that you’re earning. Not everything may have a crafting use just yet, but many of your items will now! Additionally, most non-craftable items, even the ones on the expeditions, will be available to buy in the shops. Check them both out here. People with high enough culinary skill may notice that they have a little bonus with crafting added soon ;) Your promised coin from post counts will also be distributed in the following days so you’ll be able to spend away! Thank you for your patience!


The Guild Leader’s Office

We have an interaction system with Agnes and Silas! It works similarly to the Q-n-A that we had at the beginning, except there’s less limitations, word limits, etc. Write a post having your character approach either Agnes or Silas in their office, and a response will be written back in response to your interaction! We will not have full roleplays, and rather just one-off moments. Who knows what you could learn from interacting with our Guild leaders 👀?

For more information, read here:


NPC Headcanoning

If you want a more in-depth interaction with the Guild leaders, or Shirley, we are open for headcanons! Since we can’t provide long paragraph RP or anything to every member, we wanted this to be an option to develop further connections to the Guild leaders. All you need to do is make a ticket and propose the scenario! This can be a long conversation that your cat has with Silas, perhaps a training session with Agnes or pet-care with Shirley! Your options are limitless. While your characters are the spotlight of the story, our NPCs do have a part in the plot, and your interactions with them can influence their actions. We welcome all interactions between player and NPC.


Event: The Guild Meeting

Next week, starting Tuesday, we will have an event! Silas and Agnes, since the new developments with everyone’s magic powers and discoveries, has called for a Guild meeting two weeks after your return. This event is optional, but a place where your character can make their report and findings, and see what decisions Silas and Agnes make out of what information is gathered This will be lightly checkpointed, (a beginning, middle, and end checkpoint) spanning 3-4 days for each one. Excited to see you there!


Extra fun

Two more chill events are here for you to discover and have fun with!

Recounts of the Stone forest. 

Greendoze keeps records in their libraries of experiences in the Stone Forest. Agnes and Silas are having the Wayseekers collaborate with them! This will be up on a journal, where you can use the comment to write your character telling their experience. This has no word limit, and rather is for the fun of seeing everyone’s collective and contrasting words on what they went through!
Read more here: 

Whispering Ruins investigations

Coming up on the 29th will be an opportunity to investigate the Whispering ruins only a walk away from Greendoze. More information will be out on release, but this event will need no required writing, and simply choosing a path to discover and explore what could be out there.

New Quest!

“Flew the Coop” is up! It’s nothing quite out of the ordinary, though you may find some feathered friends running loose around the site… Read on the quest at the bottom of the Quests page.

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