
Created: 11 April 2022, 20:56:50 EDT
Last updated: 17 February 2023, 23:49:24 EST

A warning notice nailed to a wood wall.

 Officials are advising residents and travelers to remain vigilant in Greendoze after an eyewitness reported an unidentified beast.

 The eyewitness has requested to remain anonymous, but investigators have met with her to record her account.

 “I’ve never seen anything like it,” the eyewitness said. “I was picking berries in the forest when I looked up and saw it stalking me. It moved slowly. At first I thought it was a wolverine, but it had no eyes and made a clicking noise. Then I realized its back was infested with bugs, just dozens of mandibles clicking and clicking.”

 The investigators consulted with wildlife experts and confirmed there is no previous knowledge of a parasite like the eyewitness described.

 “It hurt to look at. It was like looking at the sun, but the weird thing is it didn’t glow at all. It had no color, like a shadow. My stomach got this sick feeling. I dropped everything I had and ran.”

 The eyewitness said that the creature chased her, but she escaped successfully.

 Wildlife experts and adventurers alike have scoured the forest for evidence of the beast. As of this report, nothing has been uncovered, but the investigation is ongoing.

 Healers have met with the eyewitness to check her eyesight and psychological state. They claim that the eyewitness is completely healthy, and she continues to swear that her encounter was real. She has not returned to the forest since then.

 If you have encountered this creature or have any evidence, please report to Central Greendoze Town Hall. Always remain cautious while travelling.


The Boundless


ASSISTED BY █████████

 The Boundless began appearing around 15 years after catfolk harnessed magic for technology. Bizarre beasts began emerging from the depths of forests, mountains, deserts, swamps--no corner of the world sheltered catfolk from the Boundless’s advancement. While at first believed to be nocturnal creatures mistaken for new species or simple tricks of the eye, any cat skeptical of the Boundless’s existence believed once the creatures began assaulting their towns and loved ones. Even the most avid deniers have come to admit the truth.

 The Boundless are real.

 And beyond controlling.

 The Boundless can appear at any time of day and manifest in every environment and climate. Settlements have tested multiple modes of defense; catfolk have built walls and fences to keep the beasts out and established dedicated fighting forces to keep the beasts at bay. Yet the Boundless always return, and they breach every wall and defense.


Torn paper with a drawing of a shadowy wolf-like creature, with a caption reading woof woof it is not a bones day.


1 Also known as void monsters, void beasts, and abominations.



 Myriad weapons have been used to combat the Boundless, though none seem to possess any unique effectiveness. When it comes to defending yourself, any kind of weapon will do.

 There are no identifiable weak spots on a Boundless, as every one of them looks different. Catfolk who have defeated the Boundless describe their corpses simply vanishing before their eyes. This phenomenon lacks research.




Torn paper with drawings of a strange birdlike creature with many legs.

 Strange shapes coalesce at the corner of your eyes; shadows race out of bushes and dark hallways; swarms of strange pests emerge at dusk and cloud the horizon.

 These are just a sample of the smallest forms the Boundless have taken. They may be the least dangerous types of Boundless, but they are not to be taken lightly. Well-traveled catfolk report finding ragged, thin corpses on the sides of roads covered by inky masses that escape into crevices when they arrive. No doubt, these are Class 3 Boundless leaving their work behind. They seem to be the most effective in groups and rely on isolating their targets.




Photograph of a shadowy deerlike creature.


 Hulking multi-headed figures peer at you from trees; a tall, indistinguishable shape rushes you from an alley; a dog without a face emerges from a graveyard.

 Those are the types of encounters classified as Class 2 boundless: large creatures that supposedly do not fit within the natural world. Researchers have classified the first ever reported Boundless as Class 2, described as a wolverine-like creature with insect mandibles covering its whole back.

 Survivors who have crossed paths with Class 2 Boundless claim to be overwhelmed with a sick feeling, with symptoms ranging from nausea to dizziness.

 These are the Boundless catfolk find themselves defending their homes against most frequently. The average cat should avoid them at all costs.



Torn paper with blacked out text, with the only readable words being do not fight run.




Location: Mt. Starfree
Size: approximately 25 inches
Class: 2?

I was walking through a cemetery at the base of Mt. Starfree when I saw a canine digging in front of a tombstone. I thought it was a stray, so I whistled at it. When it turned around, I thought I might be in a nightmare.

It had no face. It was caved in, so much that you might be able to stick your paw inside. But the most horrific part was what lay inside the hole. Long, thick spider legs reached out from every edge of its head. I was torn between scientific curiosity and self-preservation.

In my hesitation, the beast began walking towards me, and whatever was inside its head began reaching out more, and I was afraid it might crawl out. I ran.

I have done my best to capture its likeness. Whether this specimen is aggressive or docile is inconclusive.



Location: Treehaven, Viper’s Nest?
Size: 5 inches
Class: 3

{March 10} Sightings of small, bird-like Boundless have exploded in Treehaven. Witnesses claim they travel synchronously in large groups. Information is currently sparse.

{March 26} These Boundless have exhibited bold behavior that is uncommon for the typical Class 3 specimen. Class 3 Boundless are known to assault isolated targets, but traveling groups of catfolk have reported being swamped and attacked by these particular specimens.

{April 8} Researchers and bounty hunters are theorizing that these Boundless are attracted to wool and milk, imports from Greendoze. This theory doesn’t sit right with me. Locals, too, have been targeted by these specimens. I believe there must be another reason.

{April 14} A local was swarmed. Defense forces were called to the incident, and it is currently a closed investigation. Whether or not the attack was fatal is unknown.

{April 21} No further sightings, and no further updates on the case.

{April 29} I hesitate to include this in the log for Specimen 2, but I cannot ignore the possibilities. Travelers have reported a large bird Boundless on the outskirts of Viper’s Nest. They report it has the strange ability to split itself apart and then rejoin back into one creature. This has yet to be confirmed, but I can’t help wondering if this is related to the missing Boundless from Treehaven…



Location: Mistmeadow
Size: 84 inches
Class: 2

I borrowed one of the cameras developed in New Star City. The darkness obscures a lot, but I managed to get a picture of the monster which had been spotted in the small groves in Mistmeadow

It was frighteningly easy to get a picture of it. The creature was more interested in following me.

It takes form as a large stag, except instead of a head, its neck extends into numerous tangled branches. When it moves, the sound of branches cracking can be heard. 

The creature is docile when around herds of deer. I remained in hiding while making my observations, but when a mountain lion attacked the herd, Specimen 3 didn’t bolt with the rest of the herd. Instead, it stretched its branches and ensnared the lion. The predator barely managed to get away. I believe it suffered a few broken ribs along with some wounds.

In the panic, my hiding place was compromised and Specimen 3 turned its focus to me. Likewise to the reported encounters, I started to feel like the trees were closing in on me, but it may have been nothing more than the dizzying sensation of a Class 2. I decided to run after taking the picture and was promptly followed. I didn’t exactly see it run after me, but every time I looked back, it appeared to be closer. Once I was out of the grove, I was not followed.

Folks may have to be warned about keeping out of the forested areas of Mistmeadow…



Location: Farsail coastline
Size: 72 inches
Class: 2

More encounters with the Boundless have happened, and I’m afraid I’ve been too occupied looking for solutions to supplement these records with visual references. I am very sorry. I hope my writings will suffice.

Specimen 4 is a tall and slow moving Boundless and appears to hover around 2-3 inches above the ground. Its thin, wispy body is interwoven with many faces. Witnesses say its mouths seem to be agape in agony, and these faces appear to produce a sound similar to muffled screams, as one would sound when underwater. I must admit, the sound is enough to make my fur stand on end. I’ve theorized that victims of Specimen 3 are used in the facial reconstructions across its body, although due to its slow speed, I have thankfully not observed any fatalities since I began studying it, so I cannot confirm.

Some locals have proposed that the creature is the ghostly amalgamation of sailors lost at sea, but this is improbable. Ghosts aren’t real, right? Right?!




Location: Mistmeadow
Size: 1 inch
Class: 3

Hidden amongst the flowers in Mistmeadow, these Boundless mimic the native flora in the area. Difficult to see due to their small size, they can be distinguished by their darkened, withered petals, and a pitch black pistil. They produce a putrid scent, theorized to attract invertebrate prey.

Witness- (writing is cut off and turns into a indiscernible scribble across page)

I was attacked by Specimen 3 during observation.

I am fine and got away.

My favourite coat is now torn, though. :<

Witnesses have reported becoming ensnared in shadowed vines or stuck to feelers oozing with a sticky gel. Others have lost toes or entire paws when flower picking too close to a specimen 5. Is there a mouth hidden within its pistil? Further research needed.