Item Rules

Created: 9 January 2024, 17:35:31 EST
Last updated: 9 January 2024, 17:57:59 EST


Item Masterlist

The Item Masterlist is a spreadsheet containing all items, materials, and consumables within Wayward to Wilds, and is your one-stop destination for all your planning and crafting needs! This includes how to get/craft items, their effects, whether they're in the Shop or not, full recipes, and more. It also includes a full list of crafting materials and Skill-Boost items.

✦ Find the Masterlist here! ✦

Rules and Usage

There are 4 major item types in Wayward to Wilds, each with the following restrictions:

  • SKILL-BOOST CONSUMABLES - Skill-Boosts can only be used during Rest Breaks.
  • WEAPONS - 1 Weapon can be brought on Expeditions.
  • ACCESSORIES - 2 Accessories can be brought on Expeditions.
  • GENERAL ITEMS - Any number of General Items can be brought on Expeditions.

These items are typically gained through ExpeditionsQuests, or Crafting

Skill-Boost Consumables

These items are used to gain permanent boosts to your characters Skills, and can only be used during Rest Breaks. Think of these like Level-Ups! The materials to craft these items are always available from the Shop, except for the Culinary skill.

There are two variants to Skill-Boost Consumables: +1 (Regular) and +2 (Improved). Each of these can only be used once for a max gain of +3 in a Skill.

+2 (Improved) Skill-Boosts can only be crafted by those with a +1 in Culinary, as well as a Cooking Kit. +5 is the max for Skills (this includes items/magic). If a character rolls an Odd Plant in a Skill they have +5 in, the Odd Plant is rerolled.

Weapons, Accessories, and General Items

These items can be brought on Expeditions and used to activate special effects. Some have certain conditions that must be met to use, but overall have the following usage frequencies:

  • ONE-TIME USE - These items can only be used once and then disappear permanently.
  • ONCE PER EXPEDITION - These items can only be used once every Expedition.
  • ONCE PER EVENT - These items can only be used once every Event- so, twice an Expedition, with an Interlude between uses.
  • PASSIVE - These items always have an effect as long as they are on your person.


Players are free to disregard an item's flavor and "hand-wave away" its use just to take advantage of the effect, if preferred for roleplay reasons!

Similarly, you're free to bring your own weapons/accessories in addition to these as they have no in-game effect, just for your own flavor- within reason. Your character can bring the Metallic Cutlass and their signature greatsword, but they shouldn't be canonically carrying 10 swords on their person.

For example, the Lavish Wooden Shield Weapon guarantees an enemy attack missing. Using the above two rules, all of the following posts are acceptable:

Summary: Agnes runs up between Silas and the Boundless, raising up her Lavish Wooden Shield to deflect its swipe!

Action: Agnes uses the Lavish Wooden Shield to protect Silas. (Provides one guaranteed miss from an enemy attack once per Expedition.)

Summary: Agnes runs up between Silas and the Boundless, raising up her greatsword to deflect its swipe!

Action: Agnes uses the Lavish Wooden Shield to protect Silas. (Provides one guaranteed miss from an enemy attack once per Expedition.)

Summary: Kiri runs up between Silas and the Boundless, shooting out Galactic projectiles to send its swipe off course!

Action: Kiri uses the Lavish Wooden Shield to protect Silas. (Provides one guaranteed miss from an enemy attack once per Expedition.)

All these posts are mechanically the same, but the latter two have been reflavored. This might require some stretching to make the post make logical sense; if you're unsure, ask your Checkpoint Mod to see if your action is acceptable. You're encouraged to be creative, but try to stay within reason!