The Wayseeker's Guild

Created: 26 June 2022, 22:13:39 EDT
Last updated: 25 September 2022, 21:31:27 EDT


The call

The flyers started spreading across town hall and tavern bulletins on Febru 14th, 500. At first glance, it looks like another Boundless bounty. The artwork displays shadowy creatures fleeing from a small crowd of catfolk. The beasts’ forms are dark and heavy, drawing the eye, but they lack detail - more attention has been given to the cats, who sport matching cloaks and fanciful magic tools rendered with diagram-like specificity. The headline reads “Join the Wayseeker’s Guild!”

The rest of the flyer reads as follows…

Job Description

Waywardia needs Wayseekers to contain the Boundless menace and restore magical balance! Wayseekers should have hearts open to adventure, discovery, and collaboration, as the guild will explore and survey magical phenomena as one. No previous travel or study experience required. As the magic crisis threatens catfolk of all backgrounds, cats of every trade are encouraged to enroll, so long as they are 16 years of age or older.

Basic expenses including travel costs, accommodations, and healthcare shall be funded by the guild. Pets and mounts are welcome (within reason); please contact Shirley Barkley for details. Wayseekers will be paid in coin after each expedition.

As all Boundless and magics are potentially dangerous, Wayseekers are advised to assess personal risk before applying and exercise caution while remaining committed to the guild’s honorable goals. Silas Danteson and Agnes Rimeguard await prospective Wayseekers at the Greendoze town hall.

Guild Rules

Remember that by joining the Wayseekers Guild, you’ll be representing it. Civility and decent behavior are expected from all Wayseekers, as is cooperation with both us, your leaders, and the catfolk you’ll find yourself working closely with.

✦ Coordination, communication, and teamwork are vital to the spirit of our mission, as Wayseekers will be grouped into teams for the expeditions ahead.
✧ Openly antagonistic or excessively hostile behavior will not be tolerated.
✦ Mounts or pets, while welcomed, will not be allowed on expeditions, and must be left with Shirley Barkley.
✧ Prospective Wayseekers are permitted to bring either one large weapon or three small weapons along with them. 
✦ In addition, magical items or weapons may be brought to the guild, though under no circumstances will they be allowed on expeditions. Too much remains unknown in regards to magic and the Boundless, and it’s best to not take any risks.
✦ You may bring as much extra clothing and whatever necessities you need for your journey to the guild, but they must be left behind for expeditions. Don’t worry, your possessions will be kept perfectly safe!
✧ Alcohol and tobacco are not permitted on the premises of the guild, and any show of public intoxication by our members is frowned upon. Remember that your every action reflects back on the guild as a whole!
✦ Above all else, treat your fellow catfolk with respect. We are all united in our goal of discovering the secrets of magic’s influence on our world.

About the Leaders

Silas Danteson is an adventurer as well as a prominent researcher of magic, once a colleague of the ever-fabled Scientist. Passionate and driven, his efforts are renowned throughout Waywardia, and he looks forward to a future free of the terror of the Boundless where catfolk can live harmoniously with the magic of our world.

Agnes Rimeguard of Winterway is known for her combat skills and exploration prowess, never one to shy away from a tough job. With strong leadership qualities and a near-encyclopedic knowledge of the Roamwilds, she is a vital asset in discovering what lies within uncharted lands. You can always rely on her to look out for the well-being of every Wayseeker that passes through the guild.