Celestial Subclasses

Created: 24 September 2022, 18:32:11 EDT
Last updated: 28 August 2023, 21:57:46 EDT

Below are the subclasses for the Celestial Magic Class. Click on the banners to view more info and compare to other subclasses!

Level I

  • If the user is concentrating on its shape, they are capable of summoning a melee weapon of the user's choice weaved of darkness and stars. When a target is hit with this weapon, they are rendered momentarily breathless. The weapon disappears once used.
  • Can summon a short-lived star from the center of their paw. This star has a range only as far as the user can physically throw, and cannot be controlled once it hits a target (unintended or otherwise). The star will then rapidly expand once stuck to something, burning the target or object with a blast of cosmic energy. The resulting blast leaves no physical wounds.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause numbness, noise sensitivity, and irritation.

Level II

  • A summoned melee weapon lasts for five minutes or until dispelled, but must still be concentrated on. When a target is struck with this weapon, they will be injured as if the weapon was tangible, and may also be pushed in a direction no greater than two average body lengths away (on top of the previous effect).
  • User may also summon a projectile weapon similarly made of stars, such as a bow and arrow or spear, regardless of their preference or ability to normally use said weapon. The weapon doesn't have to be concentrated on, but disappears once used.
  • Users may summon two stars that can be thrown twice as far. When attached onto a target, the user may also decide to increase or decrease its gravity - leaving them too heavy to move, or too light to gain traction. This ability lasts for one minute, the end of which the ability ends with the star's expansion and explosion.

Level III

  • Any summoned weapon no longer needs to be concentrated on, naturally lasting for an entire expedition event. At this stage, weapons will also leave physical wounds but half as severe as a tangible weapon would. They also cannot strike mortal blows, immediately disappearing if an attempt is made. They can be dual-wielded with the user's normal weaponry, as they weigh nothing.
  • A maximum of three stars are able to be summoned by the user per event and thrown a distance twice as far as the user can normally throw. They leave behind a pale, shadowy residue that glows and can be tracked with a keen eye. The target will also feel a continued burning sensation if this residue isn't wiped off.
  • If their Galactic-weapon is out, user can summon 'star showers' - a small, short-lived meteor shower directed on top of up to three visible enemies. The targets are blugeoned by small rocks and may be knocked off their feet.
  • Users inherently know what direction is 'true north' and can track the stars/constellations/celestial bodies with ease even if it's daylight.

Level I

  • User is able to maintain one medium-sized illusion (as large as an average cat) or two small illusions (as large as half their total body mass) for up to ten minutes if they are concentrating. These illusions do not have tangible form and can't affect the environment around them, nor can they speak or work independently. They must be given specific commands.
  • Able to temporarily affect the vision of a visible target, such as to create a sense of unease or confusion. This can manifest in making the target suddenly near or farsighted, blind, or diplopic (double vision).
  • Side-effects from power use can cause insomnia, double-vision, and disassociation.

Level II

  • Summoned illusions can manifest a small radius around the user, obscuring them from direct attack. Similarly, users can make up to two copies of themselves that have tangible shape and can appear to effect the environment. However, illusionary dopplegangers have no innate magic of their own and cannot attack another tangible target.
  • Capable of affecting the vision of up to three visible targets. On top of the previous abilities, user has more control at constructing more elaborate scenes that don't exist. Those unaffected by this ability see and sense nothing at all.
  • User is capable of changing their voice or imitating another's voice, so long as they've heard it at least once.

Level III

  • Now capable of conjuring one large-sized illusion (three times an average cat's body mass) once per expedition. They no longer have to be concentrated on, and has light offensive capabilities if nescessary. While leaving behind no physical wounds, the illusion will instantly frighten a target if it successfully attacks - causing them to run away or become petrified.
  • User is capable of changing a part of their or another's body to appear invisible. Full-body invisibility can only be achieved by the user with intense concentration, and may still be seen by more perceptive targets as they cannot achieve true transparency.
  • Medium-sized inanimate objects may be made to look like something else while retaining its original weight (ex. a feather made to look like a vase, a brick made to look like a piece of candy). This illusion will last for a full day, and will look convincing to most.
  • Users can affect their surroundings, up to a small room in size. They have complete control, capable of changing whatever they'd like and whenever they please. These illusions can persist for half a day.

Level I

  • Users are able to lift a few objects at a time, amounting to no more than twice their body weight. These objects can be manipulated freely off the ground or thrown with considerable force. With concentration, they can even lift living targets (willing targets can be moved, struggling targets cannot).
  • Capable of hindering a moving target slightly long enough to avoid an immediately oncoming attack. This is done by summoning a temporary, psychic barrier that disappears once it's run through.
  • Side-effects from power use can cause tremors, disassociation, and temporary limping on any weight-bearing extremities.

Level II

  • Users can lift and throw objects three times their body weight with ease and without concentration, or up to five with considerable strain and concentration. These objects can be thrown for a longer distance and with greater accuracy. Struggling, living targets can be manipulated now as well - capable of being pushed away or kept in one place suspended from the ground.
  • Users are able to lift themselves up the ground to five times their standing height with concentration. They may be suspended for up to five minutes or until concentration is broken.
  • Able to exert their will on an enemy target's limbs or held items at a visible distance, such as stopping someone from attacking with a weapon and redirecting it elsewhere. At this level, however, this may affect a different limb than intended, or prove unsuccessful with consecutive attempts.

Level III

  • Users can apply and exert their powers to specific parts of a living creature (for example, the tail or paw). They can also lift and throw objects up to five times their body weight, or up to seven times with concentration.
  • Users psychic forcefield can extend around the user and one or two nearby allies. It still cannot last for more than a few seconds and when broken, a small pulse of energy that may disorient or confuse the oncoming target radiates out in a small diameter where it once stood.
  • Capable of 'grabbing' any visible item and summoning it to them in an instant. The object must be no larger than an average cat and weigh no more than double than what they can naturally carry.
  • Can naturally levitate up to a tail length from the ground. They exert no energy in doing this, and takes less effort than walking. They can also walk up flat surfaces with concentration, such as walking up a wall or suspending themselves from the ceiling.

Level I

  • Able to disappear from one place to another in immediate visual range instantly. If concentration isn't established on the destination the ability is prone to failure or inaccuracy, potentially teleporting the user in a random (and often undesirable) direction.
  • Capable of making a small object temporarily disappear. The object must be non-living, inanimate, no larger than half the size of an average cat, and will reappear within a minute within the same position.
  • Side-effects of prolonged power use can include fainting, vertigo, and the feeling as if gravity has increased. The user's powers are also more likely to fail or become more dangerous to use.

Level II

  • Capable of disappearing immediately to another visible location without having to concentrate specifically on the destination. Less prone to inaccuracy. Traversal powers cannot be “chained” in any manner at this level, and has a cooldown of a minute before it can be done again.
  • Willing, living objects can be made to disappear in an equivalent manner to Level 1. Medium-sized objects as large as an average cat can be moved in small distances as well, but has a high chance of inaccuracy.
  • Users can make a medium-sized object no bigger than an average cat disappear and re-appear to a visible location of their choice.

Level III

  • Powers can be 'chained' several times (up to 5) before the user must rest for at least a few minutes. This will appear as if the user is 'blinking' in and out of view, and can be used to get to higher, normally inaccessible areas.
  • Users are capable of summoning two semi-permanent portals, one within visible range and one at close range. This grants the user or others the ability to freely walk through the close range portal, arriving out of the long-range portal. These will last for up to five minutes with concentration. While each portal can be put in many different orientations, they must have a mostly flat surface to be placed onto in order to work.
  • Users can construct a plain, temporary, extra-dimensional sanctuary for them and their allies (if desired) for one checkpoint. This space is visible from the outside as a dark, suspended 'tear' in the landscape. There, they cannot be directly accessed by enemies but may be attacked/harmed by a well-aimed strike.

Level I

  • Capable of manipulating already existing forms of shadows and light. The darker the shadow/brighter the light, the easier it is to take control of and shape to the user's desire. Controlling a shadow of a living creature will cause it to be temporarily frozen in place, as if stunned out of fear. However, manipulated shadows will disappear in bright light and light will diffuse in shadow.
  • Can summon light "bursts" at targets that can cause a second of confusion, but can affect allies if aimed too close.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause nightmares, headaches, and sleep paralysis.

Level II

  • A user's shadow or light bursts are more powerful, capable of filling a moderately sized room if desired (but not around corners or through objects). The ability's immediate effect will linger for several seconds, but can still affect allies as well as enemies. A 'mote' will remain once the effect disappears, casting the immediate area with a opaque glow for ten minutes.
  • Can directly target an enemy with a condensed burst, but only if contact from a weapon or touch is established. This causes the enemy to perceive the target as a grotesque creature, and cause them either to be paralyzed in fear or cause them to run away.
  • Can make shadows a physical force for one action, capable of grabbing or scratching at a visible target. If the target is wounded or held in place for the duration, the sensation will drain their vitality and cause them to enter a sleepwalking-like state.

Level III

  • User's eyesight sharpens, allowing them to easily see and discern accurate colors or objects even in magically-caused darkness. They may also sense non-visible enemies that are hiding or trying to conceal themselves. Similarly, bright light has no affect on users and they do not suffer from lacking visibility because of it.
  • If concentrating, the user can bend or reflect visible reflect light into their eyes and temporarily blind opponents if direct eye contact is established.
  • User can meld into shadows so long as they're intense enough. If the shadows are too pale, the user will not be able to conceal themselves.
  • User is capable of summoning a shadow or light 'double' that acts as a physical entity from the ground. The user's "second self" has no autonomous will of their own and can't act independently, mirroring the user's actions. If the user has a weapon or becomes wounded, it will also be reflected on the mirror. Successful attacks against an enemy will be half as effective as a real weapon, however.

Level I

  • Capable of creating a small, dark orb no bigger than the user's paw upon which no light enters or escapes. This "void material" has its own slight gravitational pull and can be thrown a moderate distance to attach to visible targets. Living targets will slow or become disoriented, while objects will erode or disappear depending on its size and density. This material lasts for a short duration: around two minutes.
  • Can manifest up to five pearl-sized orbs that can be used to pierce through a target. These orbs will do damage to stationary objects similar to a bullet at close range, but will pierce through living targets harmlessly.
  • Prolonged use of power can cause migraines and a lingering sense of dread.

Level II

  • Capable of making up to three dark orbs. The void material acts similarly and can still be thrown, although the density of each orb increases each time. The gravitational pull increases to a radius that amounts to the height of an average cat, and destroys small organic objects upon contact. The material lasts for three minutes and leaves a small crater where it's placed.
  • Smaller, pearl-sized orbs can affect living creatures. A target directly struck by one will experience the symptoms as if suddenly thrust into a low-oxygen environment, but only for a moment before returning to normal.
  • Users can increase or decrease gravity in a small radius around themselves with concentration. However, only one effect can be chosen at a time and must be re-cast if another option is desired.

Level III

  • Destructability radius for each large orb is doubled and their amount is increased, users being able to summon up to five during an expedition event. Medium-sized organic and inorganic objects break immediately break apart, reducing in size until no visible particles can be seen. These can also affect living targets, leaving behind wounds and scars that resemble burns.
  • When the user's small-sized orbs make direct contact with a living target now, it will make them feel as if they were pierced or stabbed with increased severity depending on distance. If fired at close enough range, internal damage or broken bones are possible.
  • Users can summon a short-lived 'black hole' in a visible, unoccupied space. The immense gravity draws in everyone in close range, including allies, into its event horizon. There they will be pelted by any debris that also gets picked up in its gravity well, causing living targets to be harmed. If any living target makes contact with the center, the hole will immediately expand and cause all targets to be scattered in a random direction.
  • Can envelop one visible target in magical darkness, causing confusion.