Elemental Subclasses

Created: 8 September 2022, 21:59:15 EDT
Last updated: 28 August 2023, 20:54:39 EDT

Below are the subclasses for the Elemental Magic Class. Click on the banners to view more info and compare to other subclasses!

Level I

  • Able to raise body temperature and channel it to different areas of the body. If concentrating long enough, the user is capable of manifesting motes of flame that can be manipulated into arcs or short-distance projectiles. At this stage, however, the flame could potentially hurt when exposed to skin or fur but not actively set something on fire.
  • Becomes fire resistant to self-made fire (not fireproof).
  • Can control external flames (i.e. from a torch) equivalent to the amount that they can naturally summon. External flames are more powerful and have the chance of setting flammable objects on fire.
  • Prolonged use of fire abilities can cause dehydration, loss of fur, or heat exhaustion.

Level II

  • Motes of created flame increase in size, control, duration, and destructive ability - up to about triple the size of the user's paw. At this stage, they can actively set anything flammable on fire and have the potential to cause moderate wounds if used in close proximity.
  • Capable of "feeding" external flames by channeling their own body heat to get larger in size.
  • Can summon a small, palm-sized flame that's harmless to the touch both to the user and others. It produces warmth like a normal flame.

Level III

  • Capable of controlled, medium-scaled environmental fires (such as the construction of a "fire wall") in any condition without the risk of things growing out of control.
  • Users are capable of diffusing their flame into a dense smoke from their paws that can be manipulated. The smokescreen will gradually fade, however, and become increasingly less opaque in time. They can only control their own smoke at this stage.
  • Summoned flame increases to about twice the size of a cat's total body size, or triple the size with intense concentration. When thrown, these flames can cause great harm if it comes in contact with another individual.
  • User can utilize their harmless flame to light otherwise flammable objects, such as a campfire. It will last twice as long as a conventional flame.

Level I

  • Able to control external water sources with light concentration. The user cannot freely "hold" more than double their total body weight of water for prolonged periods of time.
  • Can freely summon and control water from their extremities, but no more than their total body weight's worth. Conjured water is easier to control and manipulate than external sources.
  • While within or around large standing bodies of water, can summon several average cat-sized waves.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause exhaustion, muscle tenseness, or the temporary sensation as if one is drowning.

Level II

  • Control from external and summoned water sources increases in control and size to double the previous amount, requiring no concentration.
  • While within or around standing bodies of water water, user can freely summon waves twice as high as a normal cat. However, this can cause exhaustion or trigger side-effects if the waves are summoned in quick succession.
  • Can hold their breath for five times as long as a normal cat while submerged. While swimming, users are capable of manipulating currents to propel them through the water faster or in unusual ways. In deep water they must be careful not to suffer from hypoxia.

Level III

  • Summoned or external water sources can be changed into an opaque mist that conceals a small area. The mist is centered on the user and diffuses completely within a few minutes.
  • Users are able to conjure bubbles from their paws. In high enough concentrations, they will leave the area they're summoned upon slick and difficult to walk on.
  • Water can be forcibly extracted from plants to fuel or increase the reach of their powers, destroying the plants in the process. Water may also be drawn out of the surrounding atmosphere, but takes concentration and is more exhausting to do so.
  • Can conjure a small whirlpool on dry land strong enough to distract or stun an average-sized target. Within aquatic environments, the whirlpool doubles in size, strength, and destructability.

Level I

  • Capable of lifting themselves or nonliving objects (weighing no more than half the user's total body weight) off the ground using wind currents. This power requires a lot of patience and balance or is likely to fail. Objects can be propelled through the air for short distances, but they can only lift themselves a tail's length up from the ground and no further. They cannot do this on other living individuals.
  • Can summon an air current or air "blade" strong enough to knock an unsuspecting target down, or briefly delay a prepared attack.
  • Users are somewhat resistant to changes in altitude.
  • Prolonged or continued use of powers can cause fatigue and lightheadedness.

Level II

  • While not yet capable of true "flight", users can glide or give themselves a controlled descent from short distances. A long fall would avoid grave injury.
  • Users are capable of solidifying air currents to make blades redirect attacks. If the user can summon a strong current, they can cause damage that manifests as shallow cuts. However, powers are at mercy of crosswinds if not perfectly timed.
  • Control over other objects increases. User can lift or propel an object (or objects) amounting to a little more than their total body weight without consequence or concentration.

Level III

  • Any conjured air current has the ability to throw an opponent several body lengths in any given direction. Offensive currents manifest as moderate lacerations.
  • At this stage, temporary sustained flight is possible. It takes intense concentration, however, and doesn't allow the user to also fight while suspended. They also cannot fly against heavy wind currents or above where the atmosphere grows thin.
  • Capable of temporarily making living targets feel breathless or dizzy, as if suddenly placed in a high altitude environment.
  • Capable of lifting heavy objects with focus.

Level I

  • Capable of making small shockwave blasts originating from their paws upon impact with the ground. These shockwaves can't exceed twice the user's total body length in diameter, but can be strong enough to knock an average individual down or shape the surrounding environment. These blasts can be used in a concussive manner, with the strongest shockwave being summoned first and subsequent ones weaker.
  • User is able to freely control and manipulate soft materials such as loose dirt and sand, and medium-sized rocks for projectiles.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause headaches, muscle fatigue, and lethargy.

Level II

  • Shockwaves are large and doubled in range. Shockwaves can also affect others upon direct contact so long as two other paws are placed on the ground, forcing the target to be thrown back or become winded.
  • Capable of moving soft earth (not stone) out from the ground, to a height no more than an average cat's height, that can be used as a quick shield or obstacle. Can also be placed under individuals or targets.
  • Can start to manipulate harder earth-based materials, such as stone. They can be carried and thrown as if they weigh half its total weight, regardless of the user's natural strength.

Level III

  • Soil, sand, and other softer materials can be manipulated and condensed into rock at will. Large rocks and boulders can also be smashed, broken apart, or tossed with some effort - negating a majority of its weight, regardless of the user's physical prowess.
  • Users can manipulate the density of the soil in visible range, such as turning hard stone to mud or sand. Loose substrates can be used to ensnare or slow down enemies, and hard substrates made to encase targets.
  • Condensed shockwaves can cause small craters in the ground. Getting struck by a shockwave has the potential to cause anything from bruising to fractured bones.
  • Capable of sensing allies or potential threats depending on ground vibrations. However, this ability only works when the targets in question are in relatively close range (just beyond visible range).

Level I

  • Visible, electrified sparks are able to be created and channeled outside of the body. They cannot be controlled easily, however, and tend to move to objects with high conductivity first. Depending on the object, they can make it briefly magnetized.
  • Arcs of lightning can be summoned with concentration, but can't be controlled.
  • Can give a shock large enough to stun a cat if direct contact is established, as if briefly electrocuted.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause numbness, nerve damage, fur loss, and scarring.

Level II

  • User no longer needs direct contact with an individual to stun them, and can do so from short distances. This ability can also be shared between two aggressive targets at half the power.
  • Capable of summoning larger amounts of lightning with greater finesse from their extremities that no longer move to the highest conductive item first. Can be controlled and directed to some extent, causing light damage to the target as it's burned by the lightning strike. Potential to ignite worn clothing.
  • User is resistant to their own lightning, allowing symptoms of prolonged power use to be dulled somewhat.

Level III

  • Capable of using short bursts of electromagnetic force to briefly propel themselves in a given direction.
  • Electricity strengthens, allowing bolts to be cast at a considerable distance and shared or 'jump' between several enemies. Users can also channel their condensed powers onto themselves away from any immediate extremities, such as the mouth. An electrified bite or touch at this level would harm a target considerably.
  • With concentration, user can make a dense 'ball' of lightning that can be thrown as far as the user can physically manage. When it strikes a target, it will electrocute them. If it strikes the ground, it will spread outwards and briefly stun anything in a small radius.
  • Users are capable of 'charging' and storing their electricity for greater effectiveness or one massive, condensed bolt of lightning. The longer the electricity is charged, the more powerful (and harder to control) it becomes.

Level I

  • User is able to lower their body temperature and metabolism, allowing them to go longer without sustenance. They are less affected by cold or inclement weather.
  • If direct contact is established, users are capable of freezing an object or standing external water with a thin layer of ice capable of being walked on for a small period of time. A living, aggressive target would experience discomfort and burning at the area where they were touched, with a lingering frost left behind.
  • Users can control the density of water particles in the air with concentration, capable of making small flurries in a small diameter around them.
  • Prolonged use of powers can cause restlessness, irritation, and symptoms resembling seasonal illness.

Level II

  • Ice can be summoned from the ground at close range or from a small distance. Amount of conjured element cannot be larger than double the user's total body size at this stage, however, and cannot be used as projectiles.
  • User is capable of making and maintaining moderate snowfall in a small area, regardless of the environment or temperature. Already existing snow and ice can be manipulated and channeled into larger amounts of ice.
  • Direct skin-to-skin contact with a user against an aggressive target can, with concentration, cause symptoms resembling the beginning stages of frostbite.

Level III

  • Ice summoned from the ground can be manipulated to an extent, such as growing spires or spikes of ice that makes it treacherous terrain to walk on. Users may also control the thickness of the ice, to the maximum of an average paw's length.
  • Users no longer have to concentrate to freeze objects solid or produce moderate frostbite damage on contact.
  • Summoned ice can be carved or manipulated into various objects, and thrown as projectiles through the air. Getting hit by an ice projectile, depending on the size, distance and velocity, has the ability to pierce whatever it's being thrown at. This ability takes more effort and concentration, however.
  • User-summoned flurries may be turned into small ice storms or hail.