Life Subclasses

Created: 24 September 2022, 18:31:47 EDT
Last updated: 28 August 2023, 21:50:01 EDT

Below are the subclasses for the Life Magic Class. Click on the banners to view more info and compare to other subclasses!

Level I

  • User is able to magically heal themselves or to transfer their own energy to a single subject and heal minor injuries, such as cuts and scrapes or temporarily dull localized pain for moderate injuries.
  • The larger the injury, the more intense concentration is required. However, the user is at risk of losing consciousness if the affliction they're treating is too great.
  • Capable of temporarily boosting their own or a single target's natural abilities, such as (but not limited to) running, jumping, or climbing.

Level II

  • Imbued with a magical vitality, users only have to rest half as long and carry twice as much as an average cat. During combat, user may also attack twice in one checkpoint round (two attack actions).
  • Healing ability is increased. Users are capable of mending major injuries (such as broken bones), while minor injuries no longer require concentration/pose a risk of fainting due to over-exertion.
  • Users can summon dense blasts of energy, capable of knocking over or crushing a target, at the cost of the user's energy.

Level III

  • User is now capable of spreading rejuvenating energy in a small area around them in a radius no larger than twice an average cat's height, eradicating exhaustion and surface wounds from nearby allies in an instant. User and allies will feel stronger and faster, having advantage on STR or DEX abilities for three actions.
  • Users can summon three concentrated energy blasts in quick succession, capable of striking the same or different targets. They will always hit. These no longer take the user's vitality to summon, and are also capable of slowing down a target if desired.
  • Users may 'borrow' an ability, magic or otherwise, from a target or an ally, and use it for themselves. This can be channeled through a concentrated 'blast' or manifested another way depending on the application. Powers will vary depending on what is being borrowed.
  • Users can dual-wield two large weapons, ignoring weight (or practicality) limitations.
  • Capable of stabilizing severe wounds or injuries, or revive an incapacitated ally.

Level I

  • When under the influence of strong emotions, flowers or similar small decorative plants (ex. succulents) can sprout in the user's fur or in the place of their pawsteps. This effect gradually fades over the next minute.
  • Summoned plants are often small and decorative in nature, but with focus can be encouraged to bloom strange flowers instead. These blossoms can be harvested and consumed for advantage on an action or ability roll up to three times per expedition, and are poisonous afterwards.
  • User has the innate ability to tell what plants are safe or not, including fungi. They can use a +1 Survival for any additional benefits towards a specific plant each expedition.

Level II

  • Flowers can be summoned at will, and when processed into a salve or eaten whole, can be used in conjunction with the user's magic to heal minor to moderate wounds and stop bleeding. The individual under this effect will also feel a sense of serene calmness, temporarily immune to fear or panic.
  • Summoned flowers can be manipulated to grow a patch of vines or roots from the same area, strong enough to temporarily ensnare enemies or used as a bludgeoning weapon.
  • Can control existing plants to an extent with concentration, such as trees or roots, but may have problems navigating the rate in which the target grows or its direction.

Level III

  • With moderate concentration, user is able to grow almost any variety of plant, flower, or tree even in an environment where plants wouldn't otherwise thrive. Each summoned plant is imbued with magic and does not need sustenance in a way a normal plant might.
  • Any grown vines or roots can be changed into dangerous, barbed thorns large and sharp enough to pierce a target and ensnare them until the user's concentration is broken. They can also be manipulated in various ways, such as to form a wall or circle. Vines can also be summoned on otherwise untraversable surfaces and are strong enough to climb on.
  • Magical flowers processed into healing salves or tinctures store indefinitely so long as it is in an airtight container.
  • Can encourage growth of any existing flowers, plants, or tree to double its natural size.

Level I

  • Users are capable of telling how long and in what way an individual or creature died. Some part of a body must exist to examine, however (a skeleton will not suffice).
  • Users can summon a single ghost of any non-feline animal and command them with a few words for up to five minutes. They can be directed anywhere, even through walls. It cannot pick up objects or directly cause physical harm against a target, but is capable of frightening, intimidating, distracting, or startling them. The ghost cannot be communicated with otherwise.
  • Can summon a disembodied, transparent hand to cling onto one visible enemy in short range. Its touch is deathly cold and fills the target with a sense of impending dread as it saps away their energy.

Level II

  • Summoned ghosts last for twice as long and may physically react to the world around them to a limited degree, capable of attacking targets if the user is concentrating. When attacking, the ghost leaves behind no physical wound. Additionally, user may attempt to lengthen their ghost's duration or bolster its strength by sacrificing their own vitality.
  • Using either their spectral hand or summoned ghost, user is capable of siphoning energy from a visible target back into themselves so long as touch is established.
  • Users can identify a corpse, skeleton, or similar remains, and how long they've been dead and in what way they died. If the remains belong to catfolk, they may also concentrate and attempt to summon the ghost of the deceased and may communicate with it, although the ghost will only appear indistinct, shapeless, and only respond to simple questions.

Level III

  • Ghosts can be active for an entire expedition event and can interact (such as picking things up) with a moderate amount of items that weigh no more than half an average cat's weight. They will last for the full duration without concentration or until dismissed by the user. Attacks made by the ghost also increase in potency, causing the additional effect of potentially making the target run away in fear.
  • Can summon a random skeleton from the ground, although they do not have control what type of skeleton is summoned. They will persist for up to an hour, are more durable and potent than ghosts when attacking. They cannot go out of the visible range of the user.
  • If eye contact is established, users can heal others or themselves by siphoning excess vitality from an enemy. The ally must be physically touched in order for this to occur.
  • Users may summon a ghost of one catfolk once per expedition, although they do not have the choice who gets summoned. They will exist for a few minutes and are fully able to communicate with them. This type of ghost, however, cannot fight - regardless of their previous life's fighting capability.

Level I

  • Users are capable of animating small, non-living/non-organic objects by transferring some essence of their soul into them. These automata exist for up to thirty minutes, can accomplish simple tasks, and can exert the same amount of power as their user. They are tethered by a semi-transparent thread that cannot extend further than three times the user's height.
  • Capable of mending broken inorganic materials, even materials such as metal.
  • Able to see through the eyes of a living, visible, hostile target for one minute and with intense concentration. Within the duration, user has one attempt to influence or control one of the enemy's actions. Their corporeal body is unable to take normal actions during this time.

Level II

  • Once per expedition event, willing allies can be targeted for temporary possession without having to concentrate. User experiences similar emotions as the host, and allows for the host to take two actions at once. The user's body left behind will react on its own and does not need to be commanded for the minute it's uninhabited.
  • Possessed enemy targets no longer have to be concentrated on. User has greater influence over their actions for five minutes.
  • Users are able to summon two medium-sized puppets made out of inorganic materials once a day. These automata do not need to be verbally commanded and react purely on the user's innate will. At this size, they are also more durable and will last some time in combat before being de-constructed.

Level III

  • Users are able to temporarily string two visible enemy target's souls to become one, tethering them together. For the next minute, any damage sustained to one target will appear on the second.
  • Once per expedition event, willing allies who decide to become temporarily possessed get advantage on each attack they make on top of being able to take two actions at once.
  • Possessed hostile targets are under the complete influence of the user for five minutes. Users will also have some access to some of the possessed target's memories, thoughts and feelings (or lack thereof).
  • Capable of summoning one large (three times the size as an average cat) puppet with any surrounding material, inorganic or otherwise. This automaton must use half the user's soul to be operated, and any damage sustained by the puppet will be felt (but not immediately displayed) on the user. When the puppet is destroyed, the user will be exhausted.

Level I

  • User is capable of speaking to animals and summoning a small animal to their side once per expedition. They may communicate with the animal as they would anything else, mimicking their speech (or telepathically) for the duration of five minutes. The animal is the user's companion for the rest of the expedition and will follow or defend them if possible, but may run away once wounded. User can re-cast their ability to speak with their companion, but requires concentration after the first time.
  • With intense concentration, user can reverse the effect of a wound that's happened in the past hour on a living target. If concentration is broken while the wound is still healing, the wound re-appears in its original state.
  • User gains +2 on either Animal Handling abilities once per Expedition Event.

Level II

  • User may now summon medium and some large-sized creatures to their side once per expedition event. They will fight or aid and only run away if expressly told to. Provided the animal is large enough, they may convince the animal to be used as a temporary mount.
  • User's healing becomes more potent and can reverse any creature's surface wounds, requiring no concentration.
  • User is capable of any animal mimicry which, depending on the sound and volume used, may strike fear into an enemy's heart and cause them to run. It may also distract or confuse small groups of enemies, concealing that catfolk are in the area.

Level III

  • User can summon and befriend most large creatures, excluding legendary ones. They can also aid in an expedition more directly, such as searching for something or allow the user to reach areas that otherwise might prove inaccessible. They do not need to be convinced to be used as a mount, but will only listen to the suggestion of the user.
  • User can summon up to two medium creatures, or three small creatures.
  • User can grant their healing powers to be used by their animal summons, granting them the ability to heal as well. This ability will last for the duration of an expedition event.
  • Users can summon groups or herds of small to medium creatures, causing a stampede or distraction.

Level I

  • Users are capable of inflicting a weak sense of general malaise on a single, visible, hostile target with concentration. This affliction lasts up to five minutes.
  • Able to produce a mildly toxic venom secreted from the fangs. This venom can be coated on claws or a weapon, but will only stay active for ten minutes before the venom turns harmless. On contact with skin or fur, it will cause swelling, irritation, and redness. If bitten, a target will experience temporary nausea, numbness, and vertigo. Only the user is immune to their venom.
  • User gets +1 on Nature skill checks, and +3 if poisons or antidotes are involved.

Level II

  • Can inflict a single specific, painful, acute symptom onto a visible target - such as a migraine, nausea, toothache, etc. for up to ten minutes, even if they wouldn't normally experience such symptoms.
  • Able to afflict multiple targets in close range with a general malaise. The more targets are afflicted, the more the user risks the effects leaking into their own body.
  • Toxins produced by fangs are stronger and last longer, injecting haemotoxic venom into a target via bite or weapon strike. This makes the target feel ill, faint, and may bleed out easier, as the venom works as a mild anticoagulant. Venom coated on weapons or claws last for twice as long.

Level III

  • Can cause a specific target in visible range to think that they are severely wounded or dying. The specific symptoms and feelings are up to the user, such as making them believe as if they have lost a limb or suffering from a mortal stab wound. Even if they aren't able to feel such emotions, the target will react as if they can regardless.
  • In addition to increase in power of their haemotoxin, neurotoxins or cytotoxins can also be produced from a bite. Venom, when coated on the claws or weapon, will last for twice as long. They may choose who is immune to the venom, or how much is injected, so that they may control what symptoms a target feels.
  • Users can control the endorphins and adrenaline an ally has once per expedition, making them more immune to fear or pain.
  • Users can produce a antivenom from their paws or teeth, able to relieve most poisons or symptoms stemming from most toxicity.