Submission (#127) Approved

14 February 2023, 02:08:31 EST (2 years ago)
14 February 2023, 12:27:32 EST (2 years ago) by BrisingrWolf


Indy made her way to the resting spots, wondering what would be best for weary travelers. She didn't have much money on her, but she did have refreshing spring water. Which... is kind of really important. Like, really REALLY important.

Spring water in paws, Indy stepped closer to the place, looking around, before carefully placing the spring water on the table.


Reward Amount
First Aid Kit 1
Coin 100



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Spring Water Spring Water Purchased from The Merchant by Dew for 50 Coin. Purchased 13 February 2023, 19:18:22 EST 1

Dew's Bank

Currency Quantity