Submission (#538) Approved

18 May 2024, 21:26:06 EDT (9 months ago)
19 May 2024, 00:49:38 EDT (9 months ago) by Milekael


Lexi provides very clear documentation and photos of her various powers, documenting her magical abilities to heal and revitalise others, strengthen herself (there's a cute photo of her effortlessly picking up a much larger dark furred molly identified to also be in the guild) and this entertaining set of three photos of her experimenting with the ability to coalesce the energy around her into a blast - one much stronger than she was expecting! There is also some documentation and a picture of her galactic magic, though she specifies that it is weaker and limited, unlike her energy magic, it hasn't grown since she discovered it - though her energy magic has seemed to entwine with its celestial nature.

"It seems I have been blessed with the main ability to absorb and distribute energy - specifically some unique form of life energy, in various ways. Both to strengthen and heal myself, but as well as others. I first discovered this magic when overcome with feelings of relief and concern for someone I hold quite dear, and it's felt like my magic has always been intune with my feelings to some degree, like the life and feeling in my heart and mind are inherently tied to the magic's will. It's hard to describe, it feels less like my own power and more like a partner at times - or maybe another part of me? It's hard to pin down, it's still separate, still pulses with its own will - like it's connected to the rest of the world in a way that I physically am not. But I plan to hold onto it, for as long as I can at least."

She offers Laurenstine the opportunity to feel her benefitual healing magic in person if they would like to personally document the effects and feelings, as well as offers her energy magic and services in working with the new form of Laurelstone technology - it was her passion before the guild, and well, she's not quite sure if it will be after. But maybe Laurenstine can help with that.


Reward Amount
Fancy Wooden Staff 1
Quartz Crystal 2
Emissary Onesie (Naked Cat Edition) 1
Coin 100
Portable Camera Obscura Recipe 1



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