Submission (#565) Approved

10 August 2024, 12:05:00 EDT (6 months ago)
28 September 2024, 20:26:03 EDT (5 months ago) by Admin


Ihrin speaks with Judit, the conversation starting off lighthearted. However, as the journalist asks her what she is doing AFTER the Guild, she is stumped. This isn't something she has thought about much. Sudden dread of solitude and drifting endlessly set in as she realizes she has no real plans for the future. Finding a flier about the concert coming up soon, she decides to go - if only to be with her Guildmates more, hopeful that the answer lies with them.


Reward Amount
Reminiscent Sea Salt 10
Reminiscent Broth 10
Investigator’s Magnifier 1
Coin 200


Thumbnail for PC-060: Ihrin Locke

PC-060: Ihrin Locke

Reward Amount


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Frisk's Bank

Currency Quantity