Submission (#57) Approved

2 February 2023, 14:25:34 EST (2 years ago)
2 February 2023, 15:25:00 EST (2 years ago) by valpezian


North has a far-away look in her eyes as she hands over the chickens, visibly haunted by whatever transpired while she rounded them up. The chickens aren't hurt, but the same can't be said for herself. So many peck-marks..... so many....


Reward Amount
Quiche 1
Carrot 1
Eggs 1
Fresh Cream 1



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 13:59:15 EST 1
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 13:59:48 EST 1
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 14:11:40 EST 1
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 14:13:03 EST 1
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 14:20:43 EST 1
Eggs Eggs Claimed from Flew the Coop by Kit. Claimed 2 February 2023, 14:21:32 EST 1

Kit's Bank

Currency Quantity