Submission (#623) Approved

30 September 2024, 02:51:02 EDT (5 months ago)
30 September 2024, 03:01:58 EDT (5 months ago) by Admin


I know is all sketches but I hope it being a 3 minutes and 52 seconds videos makes up for it <3

The plotline and how it relates to the quest is:

- Venture gets asked to do Wayward Weather, so she has to go and save someone in an specific area.
- Venture knows this is a trap because is the same set up they used with her brother, but she decides to go anyways.
- When she reaches the area she talks out loud so Gregory can hear her. Gregory gets mad/scared and she has
a gun, so she shots at Venture, who didn't expect it and barely avoids it by teleporting.
- The confrontation starts, which is basically Venture trying to figure out where Gregory is while avoiding getting shot at.
- During it Venture starts summoning Lightning to be able to see, Gregory gets more scared because ah shit she will fry me.
- Venture eventually catches up to Gregory and avoiding a direct shot by teleporting forward, she tackles her and they both
roll down a slope and Venture ends on top of Gregory and holds her down
- Venture has Gregory under her claws and she is terrified. Venture says something and Gregory prepares to die- And then is surprised when she sees Venture let her go. Instead, Venture uses her powers to break the gun.
- Small scene of the two looking at each other as Gregory starts to realize her mistakes. She tries to stand up but realizes
she broke her leg in the fall and Venture looks at her in worry.
- There, the two notice an odd sound and Venture looks down at the gun, noticing it had Laurelstone inside. There she looks
afraid and quickly lunges towards Gregory, saving her from the Boundless
- Gregory is surprised Venture saved her, and sees her use her full power against the monster. She remembers how
Snapdragon fought and that finally breaks her

At the end, Gregory is the cat who Venture saved from the storm!


Reward Amount
Reminiscent Veggies 10
Warm Milk 10
Rescue Flare 1
Coin 200



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