Comments on Stone Forest Recounts WANTED! (Includes Rewards)

Nebs Avatar

Nico's contribution was written on what appeared to be a scrap piece of parchment, with parts scribbled out and reworded to show his mind actively trying to piece his experiences into words.

Nico Oakenhill of Team 1.

Whenever I think of our time in that forest my head spins. The first day we encountered ghosts... then the second my team were almost killed by boundless. And then we did di there was a huge stone- Desembra called it a Laurelstone? The boundless started to eat it? do something to it. I don't know. I don't really remember anything else other than feeling like my sense of touch had been stripped from me, and then a bright, blinding light.

After this you can make out a heavily scribbled out line of two short words of an unfinished thought. It is difficult of distinguish, but if you spend time trying to see through his rushed attempt to cover it up, you can make out the words, I'm scare-.

2023-02-14 00:17:00 (Edited 2023-02-14 00:17:25)