The Guild Leader's Office
Posted 13 January 2023, 22:34:31 EST by AdminLight filters in through a window of the office, painting its stacked papers and wooden interior with a filter of gold. The entire room is carved of wood, its interior cozy and snug, but large enough to situate three cats comfortably. A bookshelf lines one wall of the room, its books partially emptied across the surface of the desk that was positioned vertically to the bookshelf. The desk itself is made of raw wood, its surface polished enough to be used for its intended purpose, while its beneath is still rough and unsanded. Two chairs are positioned on either side of the desk, presumably where Silas and Agnes would sit to discuss any expedition business.
Cats are now able to have one off interactions with Agnes and Silas by coming into their (temporary) office in the Greendoze Town hall! Similar to the Q-n-A at the beginning of Expedition 1, you can have your cat approach asking, interacting, or doing anything with Agnes or Silas. Feel free to write as little or as much as you'd like, and we'd send a reply back. These will not be full Roleplays, we will only reply once back (unless stated otherwise) and this interaction will be considered canon and remembered by the NPCs.
Here is an example:
Player comments:
Merle gingerly makes his way into the office, his eyes at the floor as he seems… without confidence in asking for help. Battling both pride and anxiety, he wills his gaze to meet with Agnes’.
“Pardon me.” He begins with a cough, before straightening his posture. Just so he looks less weak “It’s been perhaps a small bit of a reality check - in our last encounter, that the Boundless have been… bigger of a challenge than I originally imagined. I’ve heard you’ve dealt with some in your experience?”
“I was… looking for advice on that. And maybe general combat advice, if you have any”
Admin Replies:
Agnes greets the guild member with a grin and a wave as he enters her space. She seems hardly concerned with his initial awkwardness, but her smile makes a slight drop when he mentions the Boundless. In her returning gaze, there’s… regret. Fear? It’s supplemented with a sigh as she seems to think heavily over the conclusion to the first expedition.
“Boundless… are something to be reckoned with, I’ll tell ya that. Even with all the experience on my belt, I wish I could say anything for certain. They come in so many different shapes and sizes that you gotta be prepared for anything!”
She softens her expression and gives Merle a pat on the back, “Brave of ya, to have fought them head on. Still. There’s always things you could do to protect yourself. Protect your face, and your belly since it’s a vulnerable soft part. Aiming for the eyes of an enemy is always a good shot.”
(Members are free to put a last reply, but will not be replied further)
Have fun interacting! You may find your characters in fun situations...

For the third time within the past five minutes, Jasper stood behind the office door with his paw raised to knock. Before it fell back to his side with a despondent sigh through his nose. With how long he’d been standing there, raising and lowering his paw again and again, it was a miracle that no one else had passed by in the hallway to witness this awkward scene.
It was only a short handful of days since the Guild meeting. There was so much Jasper wanted to discuss further with Agnes and Silas. Strung across his shoulder was the same tattered satchel he had brought with him to the meeting—the one that he had just managed to grab from within the Forest of Stones. He gently fiddled with the strap as he shifted his weight on his feet.
The nightmarish sight of the Boundless nest, all those bundles of silk cocoons, permanently stained his memory of the first expedition. Knowing that the victims would be lost to that nightmare forever, identities unknown to them all, and all missing in the eyes of their families…it just didn’t sit right with Jasper at all. They deserved to be given some sort of memorial—some way to be remembered, and given peace. To his incredible relief, Agnes and Silas, even some of the Guild members, agreed to his proposal in the Guild meeting. So here Jasper was now—wanting to get the leaders’ opinions on some ideas he’s had.
And yet he couldn’t even bring himself to knock on their door.
The last time he had spoken to the two leaders one-on-one was almost two weeks ago; only a few days after they dragged the unconscious guild members all the way back to Greendoze hospital. And being unconscious led to a…conundrum, for Jasper. The thought made him clench his gloved wrists tightly. His heart pounded in his chest.
While tending to his injuries, the nurses had seen his curse. And, out of concern, they brought his affliction up to Agnes and Silas.
Silas was curious, especially with how Jasper had accidentally slipped that he “knew” about his curse. But ultimately was respectful of Jasper’s privacy. Agnes even more so. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t touched by what seemed like honest concern from her for his well being. But in that despondent state—sitting on the edge of that sterile hospital bed with his gloves finally returned to him, feeling like his very soul was torn from his body for all to gawk at—all he could do was slip on a pleasant mask, a friendly smile that barely met his eyes, and ask for more time to explain things to them. He’d been avoiding them since.
And so he stood behind their temporary office door, and hesitated to knock.
Jasper was afraid. What if they found his real reason for being here, and realized he’d been lying through his teeth on his application? Would they shun him, or worse, cast him out of the Guild? Now, when he’s closer than he’s ever been to finding his cure? He couldn’t risk telling them the whole truth. This was for him to solve, he had to take responsibility for his own mistakes.
Jasper glanced down at the barely held together satchel. His tensed gaze softened. The cats who died in the Forest of Stones deserved a proper ending to their story, too. It was the least any of them could do for them.
With a deep inhale and exhale, Jasper slipped into a well-practiced veneer: relaxed, curious, and amicable. The tremble in his paws ceased as he politely knocked on the old wooden door.
“Excuse me—it’s Jasper Brantley. May I come in?” Jasper said, his voice expertly smoothed. He opened the door, and gave the two leaders a friendly nod before entering the room. The space was surprisingly comfortable, he realized, and found his nerves calmed the slightest amount. He offered Agnes and Silas a smile before continuing.
“I don’t mean to take up too much of your time, especially with the next expedition coming so soon. Do you remember my question in the Guild meeting? About the cats who…were lost to the Boundless, within the Forest of Stones. I wanted to follow up with you on my proposal to honor those lives lost.” Jasper slipped off the broken satchel, and held it out to the two leaders.
“I wasn’t able to grab anything while inside the Boundless nest, besides this one item just outside of it. I wish I could've found more mementos, but, this belonged to one of the cats who passed. I think it should be a part of the memorial in some way.” He slipped into a habitual pose of his arms crossed behind his back. “I’d be willing to help however I can with this. I’m a skilled metalsmith—whatever ideas Greendoze has, I can help with it. I have my own ideas of crafting some monument of some kind, but it’s up to the families of those who were lost, of course.”
“And I…” A few words started to slip out, as his eyes flickered half-lidded to the floor. Behind his back, and his relaxed demeanor, a tip of a golden claw poked through his tightly clenched gloves.
“I’ve kept some things from you, but absolutely nothing that could bring any kind of danger to anyone within the Guild.” He looked directly to Silas. “You told me back in the meeting, ‘What we do is so that many more don’t have to experience what we had to go through.’ And I couldn’t agree more. I want to help the Guild however I can, and whoever else we'll come across in our travels, if you’ll have me.”
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Admin Staff Member
Agnes and Silas both greet Jasper with smiles, Silas stopping in his path of pacing around the room while holding… a very funny mug. Regardless, they welcome him, Agnes even shouting “Hello Jasper!” to let him know he was very much allowed in.
Agnes is eager to speak when Jasper reminds them of the idea when it’s first brought up, “Oh! Of course! I begun to look around Greendoze for help- right now we’re able to get stone for any memorials, from the miners, and maybe some woodworks-”
She looks down, to the torn bag that Jasper now offers. She’s gentle to take it from his paws, observing it with soft sadness. Once done with turning it around, looking for any sign of any identification, Agnes faces Jasper again, something wavering in her voice, “You’re a kind soul, Jasper. A really kind soul. Do you know that? Not even a face or a name to these folks lost to that place and… here you are. Caring for them.”
Agnes makes a distant gaze outside the window, “There’s no way from the stars and back, I'd let anybody go down to the Stone Forest…but maybe sometime, when this is all over we can find more remnants. For now. I think this is something already.” She hands back the satchel, “If you’ve got some metalworks in mind already, I wouldn’t mind if I were to get you all the resources you need around here.”
Silas, gravely quiet and letting Agnes speak, only nods until Jasper passively addresses him. He raises his head a little more, trying to match himself to the determined tone that was now taken up. After Jasper’s declaration, Silas seems to… untense. There’s relief in the smile.
“I am glad you understand,” There’s a sigh in his words, “We don’t take what happened in the expedition lightly… but I’d say that it’s a sign of hope, that everyone came out unharmed and with things we’ve never seen since Aspel and Peter’s time. Agnes is right. Your kindness is a great value, and is something I’d like to continue to see within the Guild.”
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Tei gave a little wave to the guild masters as she stepped through the door. The heels of her hindpaws scraped together as she stood there, ears flicking uncomfortably. In one paw, she fiddled with one of the misshapen rocks she had picked up yesterday from the Wishing Pond. Despite talking it over with herself for half an hour, she still wasn’t sure if she should be here and was still considering the possibility of just walking out before it was too late. Maybe they hadn't noticed her yet.
Tei already had one leg out the door before one of them greeted her. She froze. Well now it would be awkward if she left. Steeling herself, she turned around and paced up to the desk after giving yet another wave, more hesitant than the last.
Stiff as a cardboard sheet, Tei stood there, her shadow draping over the guildmasters’ desk. She gripped her rock a little more tightly as she took a deep breath. She could feel the paper crinkle beneath the weight of her paws. Gently, carefully, she set the bone-white rock down, not once breaking eye contact.
“Here,” Tei said lamely. Then, she added, as if Silas and Agnes wouldn’t already know, ”It’s—a rock. You should turn it over.”
Tei swayed from side to side, wondering if she should leave yet. She looked towards the walls, then towards the door, more than a little wistfully. Maybe if she inched out quickly enough she could leave before they found the messily glued on piece of paper on the bottom of the rock—which, if turned over, would read:
”Please put Falcon on a team that doesn’t include me. Thank you.
— Sincerely, Teiln Robin”.
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Admin Staff Member
Tei’s tentative entrance was welcomed by the Guild leaders. As she enters, she’s able to spy something that Agnes has been working on. A letter, it seems. From what can be read- if Teiln had chosen to give a sideglance was-
“I hope you’ve been well. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come around this time of year. I know it’s our thing, but I’m not going to lie, there’s been some pretty important going-ons with my work right now. The Wayseekers are a great bunch for sure, at least.
In the meanwhile, I’ve bought flowers, fresh from the well cared for farms in Greendoze. They don’t call ‘em GREENdoze for nothing! This stuff is beautiful. I’ve asked the post to keep care for these flowers, so they’d be fresh when they get to you and you can lay ‘em down where I normally do”
It’s unfinished, and Agnes’ attention is on Tei now, who she doesn’t mind the awkward entrance for.
“Hi Tei!” She greets, while Silas nods, a little distracted at first.
“Oh, um, thank you?” Agnes doesn’t even resist, though obviously bewildered by the sudden and strange gift. She hunches down a little to peer at it, and then the other side.
Silas seems amused when he leans over to read the glued paper, and a lot more contained in his surprise, “I appreciate your honesty, Ms. Robin. Admitting who you can or can’t work with is an important part of teamwork itself. Of course, if you’d ever like to report any of the events that transpired with Falcon, we can certainly sort it out too.”
Agnes finally lets out a guffaw as she processes everything, “You’d have nothing to worry about too! I think with our current plans, we’re hoping for totally new teams by the next expedition, just so the whole Guild can get to know each other! So no Falcon will be around in your team. Don’t worry at all, Tei!”
After Tei leaves, Agnes and Silas seem to watch her go with some sort of curiosity, after the very odd way she had put her request in.
Agnes crosses her arm and smirks, “I like her. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but nonetheless bright. Just like you, Silas,”
Silas raises an eyebrow and no other reply besides a humoured chuckle, before sitting back around to study his stack of books and papers.
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North did not loiter outside of the office. Her stalling was already done. Several hours this morning had been lost to her hums and haws as she agonized over whether or not to waste her Guild Leaders’ time... and when she finally made up her mind, the sun was low in the sky and threatening to set on Greendoze. She couldn’t afford to drag her feet any more. Conviction carried her down the hall and almost straight through the door– she paused only to knock twice. Her firm hand caused the sound to echo aggressively on the other side, and the dark molly winced inwardly. It felt like more of a warning than a request for entry. This wasn’t North’s intention. She was off to a great start.
Stepping into the small space, North was struck by how… cozy it was. It subverted her expectations a bit. The wood, the warmth, the toy propping a book up on a shelf. No sign of the cold, professional pedestal that she’d built up in her head. To be successful leaders of such a large guild, primarily composed of very well-educated cats… North never assumed she’d find herself comfortable in their space. But she could be comfortable in this room.
She probably spends a bit too long staring at it before addressing anyone inside, but eventually she forces her intense stare over to the cats she’d come here to see. She searches for Agnes in particular.
“……….Hey.” Another awkward pause. She’s doing her best. Talking to someone of status was almost worse than regular talking, and there was a bit of vulnerability and frustration behind her question. She knew it'd betray her inexperience, and it made the words catch in her throat and come out in short bursts rather than a smooth sentence.
“I want to know how to kill a Boundless. Your first one... how did it go? If that's not. Too personal.”
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Admin Staff Member
Perhaps North’s large dark figure had been intimidating. The moment she walks in, she’s suddenly assaulted by a flurry of feathers and tiny harmless claws as a shrieking Pip runs straight into her.
“Pip! Oh, stars!”
North hears as something grabs for the fluttering bird to calm him down. Thankfully, the feisty parrot seems chipper after the sudden surprise attack. Maybe he had played a little prank on North, since she had such a stony expression upon entering.
Either way, Agnes is quick to apologise, “Good gracious, I’m so sorry, North! He sometimes likes greeting folks like that. Bit of roughhousing like a kitten does. Guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” She laughs, “Thanks for visiting.”
Agnes listens with care to what North asks, her face grows serious, and maybe understanding what possibly could have gotten the dark cat to ask such a question.
“It wasn’t easy. That’s for sure.” Her eyes are serious, intent to meet North’s.
“There was one that was bugging the smaller towns. Horrendous thing. Not good at this classification thing but, I think I heard it was a Class 2? At some point me an’ some others had.. Enough.” Clumsily, Agnes looks for a pen and scrap piece of paper, starting to draw up what seemed to be a messy scrawl of an area. She’d then draw marks for her team, and then the boundless, showing the arrangement of spots they had used to outwit the void creature,
“It took planning. Thought. Teamwork. And even then-” She rolls up a sleeve to reveal a scar that’s clear despite how much fur she had. She chuckles lightly, “Nearly lost an arm I’d say.”
“Plan meant we cornered and took it down on all sides. We had a hell of a lot of backup plans, too. Meant bringing… eh, probably twice as many swords as I needed to, in case somehow my trusty regular one was lost somehow.”
“Y’know, we sort everyone in big teams for that reason. More muscle n’ more eyes. I… can’t have any of you wandering off in smaller groups, else a Boundless might find things too easy.” Agnes sighs- the passive acknowledgement that she knew that it hadn’t been enough for the last expedition.
Boldly, she puts a paw on North’s shoulder, “For every Expedition, every investigation. We’ll make the most of it. Squeeze out every bit of knowledge we can get. I’m making it my personal goal to get rid of them. I… ain’t wanting anybody getting hurt any more.”
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Alexis had walked here with purpose initially, with a letter clutched in her shaky hands, and looking a little sleepless, intent had been there when she walked to their door. But her heart and mind raced too much to keep a straight face and as she hovered outside the door, she could feel her nerves fraying. Any reaction Silas and Agnes would have to her request would be awful, surely? What if they sent her home if they knew the full truth, that she had run away rather recklessly to be here? Maybe she was being far too negative and her fears were getting the best of her last night. Sure the last mission had gone badly, they had all nearly died, but that wouldn't happen again. It wouldn't.
She politely knocked and waited, fur a little fluffed up and letter tight in her sweaty grip, but as soon as she was welcomed in and had to look the kind friendly Guild leaders in the face again, remembering how Agnes cried over their beds in the hospital and Silas's grim expression... Her resolve snapped. The letter held behind her back, she smiled politely to them both, in the most casual way she could pretend.
"I- I hope I'm not being a bother by walking in right now, I can leave if it's any problem. I just- just-" She took a little breath, searching around the room before looking to Silas. "Wanted to ask- how.. you got your interest in Magical studies?"
Alexis smiled sheepishly, giving a small shrug, knowing it was just a personal question when so many more important things were afoot. "I've had a passion for magic and it's potential all my life, but I'm beginning to see cats here in the guild with rather... different opinions on it. On how it should be avoided at all costs." Even though it wasn't why she had come here initially, the way some cats had screeched about avoiding magic, while others just nervously wanted to hide from it...
"I wanted to know, in an ideal world Silas, Agnes, how do you see Magic's place in it? This guild was made to stop it from fading, correct?"
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Admin Staff Member
As Alexis knocks on the door, it takes several long moments before Silas swings the door open. Dark bags lay strikingly beneath his forest-green eyes, but he smiles and inclines his head in a bow. "Greetings, Miss Dawncaster. Doing better, I hope? Agnes, look out--"
Alexis steps in, and a massive shadow covers her body as she hears the wind whistle--and then it stops. A large sword hangs inches away from her body. At its handle is Agnes, whose fur fluffs out in horror.
"Lexi! I'm sorry! I was so focused on my drills, I didn't even realize Silas was letting somebody in. Say something next time, you big oaf!" She sheathes her sword at her side. "You're no bother at all. We're allowing visitors for a reason."
She gets their rapt attention after Silas glares at Agnes for her near-mishap.
"For me, I fell into this magic stuff, if I'm being honest," Agnes begins. She scratches her chin. "I was a hired sword for a while, and that's how I met Silas here, as a matter of fact. Crazy how things end up! I suppose it was after that. His curiosity was contagious."
She grins. Silas seems to have heard none of it, however, staring into space.
"I've always had academic pursuits," he says after a long silence, like he hadn't realized it was his turn to speak. "Magic is naturally interesting, isn't it? Every cat's different experiences with it inform their opinions on it. That it should be avoided is something I personally cannot stand by. Its mystery and danger is why we must understand it."
"If it faded, many cats would serve to suffer. It's done good. Hasn't it? So my for catfolk to understand magic and its whims, and coexist with it peacefully."
Agnes nods. "My take's a little like that. The thing about magic is that it ain't gonna fix the world on its own. Only way it ever came into our paws was through the grit 'n determination of catfolk like you and I. If it's gonna change our world for the better, it's gotta be through our own work, using it like any other tool. 'N if we can't do that, if it's too much for us to handle...then it's gotta go, no matter what kinda possibilities it offers. It ain't worth the cost of life."
"But that's a last resort. That's why we're studying!" She laughs and gives Silas a good-natured shove on his shoulder. Perhaps she wants to lighten the mood.
"I hope you'll help us. Your membership has been invaluable." Agnes finally says, meeting Alexis's eyes.
Hmm, so this was where their esteemed Guild Leaders were staying in Seaworn!
Admittedly, Tiberius's curiousity was piqued! With the despair and what-not of his entire understanding of life as a concept had come under siege, he hadn't had the time to pay either of them a formal visit. Still, following their last expedition, their former untouchable mystique had certainly defanged their reputation. He couldn't help but wonder if Silas was at all embarrassed. Poor things - they were only feline, after all. It was to be expected.
However, when Tiberius had received Agnes's letter, his little heart had fluttered! Firstly, to be written to was a delight. Her handwriting had been a little sad... but Tiberius graciously forgave it. What a sweet gesture! And for the guild to pay for his indulgence, out of pocket? He had been ecstatic! Old habits died hard - and Tiberius had never quite lost his taste for expensive, tailored clothing. He had truthfully been budgeting to take this into account, so with these expenses unexpectedly waived...
Tiberius stood outside of the office, his chin tickled by the top of... a loaded hamper, wrapped in a darling bow and adorned with a lovely spritz of regional flowers. Within it, there was a bundle of packaged baked goods from a local business - as well as some fresh fruit, a gull-feather quill, a little vacation pamphlet and a coupon for two to enjoy up to a certain amount of food for free at a three-star resturant! The oddest inclusion, settled at the bottom, seemed to be a mountable stuffed trout, apparently belonging to a gag gift shop. He had a little button eye, and a slightly loose seam, attached poorly to a cheap wooden plaque reading "Water the odds!" in what must have been the shop-owner's hand-carving.
Beneath the fish, there was a letter - from 'The Guild', thanking them for their work, as well as the accomodations and clothing fund. It wasn't clear whose handwriting it was, though the prose was rather thought-out.
Visually, it looked far more impressive than the sum of its parts.
Tiberius hummed pleasantly to himself, pattering his delicate little paw on the door, cooing a little sing-song through it of, "Oh Aa-agnes... Si-i-ilas~!"
As he waited, he swayed a little, entertaining himself by tapping his hindpaw quietly to the sound of a distant street performer - smirking delightedly to himself as he imagined their coming response.
To whoever answered the door, he would proudly proclaim himself as the lucky cat nominated to deliver this treat - letting them know that the guild had come together to put together a little something, to show their appreciation. Even if it wasn't much, everyone hoped that they'd enjoy the gesture of it. He'd throw in a cheeky little comment too - daring them to guess what he contributed, though he wouldn't say if they were wrong or right!
And he certainly wouldn't admit that it was exclusively from him.
...Nor, the amount of bargains and cut corners involved in its conception, of course.
The two would feel far better, feeling like they still had the guild's support - and the thought of being recognized as the sole benefactor made Tiberius want to cough up a furball. It was a win-win.
2023-04-21 05:06:00 (Edited 2023-04-21 05:10:28)
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