Coin (C)
Displays as: 0 

Held by: Users
The universal currency in Waywardia. Most shops often take this, or should expect to be offered this by many cats.
Game Currency (as well as items) is semi-IC. Your cat will not be paid differently in sum to other Guild members, and the amount of Coin your account holds doesn't dictate everything your character can buy. For example, it can be assumed that your cat is provided or can purchase food, water, accomodation (whatever it is, for flavour reasons) without having any of your account Coin deducted. Coin is used as an incentive and reward for participation, and can be traded in for items in the shops. Items in the shops have gameplay uses or can lead to things in gameplay.
Test Currency (TC)
Displays as: 0 TC
Held by: Users
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