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Agnes and Silas both greet Jasper with smiles, Silas stopping in his path of pacing around the room while holding… a very funny mug. Regardless, they welcome him, Agnes even shouting “Hello Jasper!” to let him know he was very much allowed in.

Agnes is eager to speak when Jasper reminds them of the idea when it’s first brought up, “Oh! Of course! I begun to look around Greendoze for help- right now we’re able to get stone for any memorials, from the miners, and maybe some woodworks-”

She looks down, to the torn bag that Jasper now offers. She’s gentle to take it from his paws, observing it with soft sadness. Once done with turning it around, looking for any sign of any identification, Agnes faces Jasper again, something wavering in her voice, “You’re a kind soul, Jasper. A really kind soul. Do you know that? Not even a face or a name to these folks lost to that place and… here you are. Caring for them.”

Agnes makes a distant gaze outside the window, “There’s no way from the stars and back, I'd let anybody go down to the Stone Forest…but maybe sometime, when this is all over we can find more remnants. For now. I think this is something already.” She hands back the satchel, “If you’ve got some metalworks in mind already, I wouldn’t mind if I were to get you all the resources you need around here.”

Silas, gravely quiet and letting Agnes speak, only nods until Jasper passively addresses him. He raises his head a little more, trying to match himself to the determined tone that was now taken up. After Jasper’s declaration, Silas seems to… untense. There’s relief in the smile.

“I am glad you understand,” There’s a sigh in his words, “We don’t take what happened in the expedition lightly… but I’d say that it’s a sign of hope, that everyone came out unharmed and with things we’ve never seen since Aspel and Peter’s time. Agnes is right. Your kindness is a great value, and is something I’d like to continue to see within the Guild.”

2023-02-23 08:20:37