Comments on The Guild Leader's Office

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Alexis had walked here with purpose initially, with a letter clutched in her shaky hands, and looking a little sleepless, intent had been there when she walked to their door. But her heart and mind raced too much to keep a straight face and as she hovered outside the door, she could feel her nerves fraying. Any reaction Silas and Agnes would have to her request would be awful, surely? What if they sent her home if they knew the full truth, that she had run away rather recklessly to be here? Maybe she was being far too negative and her fears were getting the best of her last night. Sure the last mission had gone badly, they had all nearly died, but that wouldn't happen again. It wouldn't.

She politely knocked and waited, fur a little fluffed up and letter tight in her sweaty grip, but as soon as she was welcomed in and had to look the kind friendly Guild leaders in the face again, remembering how Agnes cried over their beds in the hospital and Silas's grim expression... Her resolve snapped. The letter held behind her back, she smiled politely to them both, in the most casual way she could pretend.

"I- I hope I'm not being a bother by walking in right now, I can leave if it's any problem. I just- just-" She took a little breath, searching around the room before looking to Silas. "Wanted to ask- how.. you got your interest in Magical studies?"

Alexis smiled sheepishly, giving a small shrug, knowing it was just a personal question when so many more important things were afoot. "I've had a passion for magic and it's potential all my life, but I'm beginning to see cats here in the guild with rather... different opinions on it. On how it should be avoided at all costs." Even though it wasn't why she had come here initially, the way some cats had screeched about avoiding magic, while others just nervously wanted to hide from it...

"I wanted to know, in an ideal world Silas, Agnes, how do you see Magic's place in it? This guild was made to stop it from fading, correct?"

2023-02-02 12:51:19

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As Alexis knocks on the door, it takes several long moments before Silas swings the door open. Dark bags lay strikingly beneath his forest-green eyes, but he smiles and inclines his head in a bow. "Greetings, Miss Dawncaster. Doing better, I hope? Agnes, look out--"

Alexis steps in, and a massive shadow covers her body as she hears the wind whistle--and then it stops. A large sword hangs inches away from her body. At its handle is Agnes, whose fur fluffs out in horror.

"Lexi! I'm sorry! I was so focused on my drills, I didn't even realize Silas was letting somebody in. Say something next time, you big oaf!" She sheathes her sword at her side. "You're no bother at all. We're allowing visitors for a reason."

She gets their rapt attention after Silas glares at Agnes for her near-mishap.

"For me, I fell into this magic stuff, if I'm being honest," Agnes begins. She scratches her chin. "I was a hired sword for a while, and that's how I met Silas here, as a matter of fact. Crazy how things end up! I suppose it was after that. His curiosity was contagious."

She grins. Silas seems to have heard none of it, however, staring into space.

"I've always had academic pursuits," he says after a long silence, like he hadn't realized it was his turn to speak. "Magic is naturally interesting, isn't it? Every cat's different experiences with it inform their opinions on it. That it should be avoided is something I personally cannot stand by. Its mystery and danger is why we must understand it."

"If it faded, many cats would serve to suffer. It's done good. Hasn't it? So my for catfolk to understand magic and its whims, and coexist with it peacefully."

Agnes nods. "My take's a little like that. The thing about magic is that it ain't gonna fix the world on its own. Only way it ever came into our paws was through the grit 'n determination of catfolk like you and I. If it's gonna change our world for the better, it's gotta be through our own work, using it like any other tool. 'N if we can't do that, if it's too much for us to handle...then it's gotta go, no matter what kinda possibilities it offers. It ain't worth the cost of life."

"But that's a last resort. That's why we're studying!" She laughs and gives Silas a good-natured shove on his shoulder. Perhaps she wants to lighten the mood.

"I hope you'll help us. Your membership has been invaluable." Agnes finally says, meeting Alexis's eyes.

2023-02-09 23:52:32