Comments on The Guild Leader's Office

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North did not loiter outside of the office. Her stalling was already done. Several hours this morning had been lost to her hums and haws as she agonized over whether or not to waste her Guild Leaders’ time... and when she finally made up her mind, the sun was low in the sky and threatening to set on Greendoze. She couldn’t afford to drag her feet any more. Conviction carried her down the hall and almost straight through the door– she paused only to knock twice. Her firm hand caused the sound to echo aggressively on the other side, and the dark molly winced inwardly. It felt like more of a warning than a request for entry. This wasn’t North’s intention. She was off to a great start.

Stepping into the small space, North was struck by how… cozy it was. It subverted her expectations a bit. The wood, the warmth, the toy propping a book up on a shelf. No sign of the cold, professional pedestal that she’d built up in her head. To be successful leaders of such a large guild, primarily composed of very well-educated cats… North never assumed she’d find herself comfortable in their space. But she could be comfortable in this room.

She probably spends a bit too long staring at it before addressing anyone inside, but eventually she forces her intense stare over to the cats she’d come here to see. She searches for Agnes in particular.

“……….Hey.” Another awkward pause. She’s doing her best. Talking to someone of status was almost worse than regular talking, and there was a bit of vulnerability and frustration behind her question. She knew it'd betray her inexperience, and it made the words catch in her throat and come out in short bursts rather than a smooth sentence.

“I want to know how to kill a Boundless. Your first one... how did it go? If that's not. Too personal.”

2023-02-10 21:39:07 (Edited 2023-02-10 21:41:35)

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Perhaps North’s large dark figure had been intimidating. The moment she walks in, she’s suddenly assaulted by a flurry of feathers and tiny harmless claws as a shrieking Pip runs straight into her.

“Pip! Oh, stars!”

North hears as something grabs for the fluttering bird to calm him down. Thankfully, the feisty parrot seems chipper after the sudden surprise attack. Maybe he had played a little prank on North, since she had such a stony expression upon entering.

Either way, Agnes is quick to apologise, “Good gracious, I’m so sorry, North! He sometimes likes greeting folks like that. Bit of roughhousing like a kitten does. Guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree,” She laughs, “Thanks for visiting.”

Agnes listens with care to what North asks, her face grows serious, and maybe understanding what possibly could have gotten the dark cat to ask such a question.

“It wasn’t easy. That’s for sure.” Her eyes are serious, intent to meet North’s.

“There was one that was bugging the smaller towns. Horrendous thing. Not good at this classification thing but, I think I heard it was a Class 2? At some point me an’ some others had.. Enough.” Clumsily, Agnes looks for a pen and scrap piece of paper, starting to draw up what seemed to be a messy scrawl of an area. She’d then draw marks for her team, and then the boundless, showing the arrangement of spots they had used to outwit the void creature,

“It took planning. Thought. Teamwork. And even then-” She rolls up a sleeve to reveal a scar that’s clear despite how much fur she had. She chuckles lightly, “Nearly lost an arm I’d say.”

“Plan meant we cornered and took it down on all sides. We had a hell of a lot of backup plans, too. Meant bringing… eh, probably twice as many swords as I needed to, in case somehow my trusty regular one was lost somehow.”

“Y’know, we sort everyone in big teams for that reason. More muscle n’ more eyes. I… can’t have any of you wandering off in smaller groups, else a Boundless might find things too easy.” Agnes sighs- the passive acknowledgement that she knew that it hadn’t been enough for the last expedition.

Boldly, she puts a paw on North’s shoulder, “For every Expedition, every investigation. We’ll make the most of it. Squeeze out every bit of knowledge we can get. I’m making it my personal goal to get rid of them. I… ain’t wanting anybody getting hurt any more.”

2023-02-23 06:34:48