Comments on The Guild Leader's Office

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Tei gave a little wave to the guild masters as she stepped through the door. The heels of her hindpaws scraped together as she stood there, ears flicking uncomfortably. In one paw, she fiddled with one of the misshapen rocks she had picked up yesterday from the Wishing Pond. Despite talking it over with herself for half an hour, she still wasn’t sure if she should be here and was still considering the possibility of just walking out before it was too late. Maybe they hadn't noticed her yet.

Tei already had one leg out the door before one of them greeted her. She froze. Well now it would be awkward if she left. Steeling herself, she turned around and paced up to the desk after giving yet another wave, more hesitant than the last.

Stiff as a cardboard sheet, Tei stood there, her shadow draping over the guildmasters’ desk. She gripped her rock a little more tightly as she took a deep breath. She could feel the paper crinkle beneath the weight of her paws. Gently, carefully, she set the bone-white rock down, not once breaking eye contact.

“Here,” Tei said lamely. Then, she added, as if Silas and Agnes wouldn’t already know, ”It’s—a rock. You should turn it over.”

Tei swayed from side to side, wondering if she should leave yet. She looked towards the walls, then towards the door, more than a little wistfully. Maybe if she inched out quickly enough she could leave before they found the messily glued on piece of paper on the bottom of the rock—which, if turned over, would read:

”Please put Falcon on a team that doesn’t include me. Thank you.
— Sincerely, Teiln Robin”

2023-02-11 16:43:16 (Edited 2023-02-11 16:43:31)

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Tei’s tentative entrance was welcomed by the Guild leaders. As she enters, she’s able to spy something that Agnes has been working on. A letter, it seems. From what can be read- if Teiln had chosen to give a sideglance was-

“I hope you’ve been well. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to come around this time of year. I know it’s our thing, but I’m not going to lie, there’s been some pretty important going-ons with my work right now. The Wayseekers are a great bunch for sure, at least.

In the meanwhile, I’ve bought flowers, fresh from the well cared for farms in Greendoze. They don’t call ‘em GREENdoze for nothing! This stuff is beautiful. I’ve asked the post to keep care for these flowers, so they’d be fresh when they get to you and you can lay ‘em down where I normally do”

It’s unfinished, and Agnes’ attention is on Tei now, who she doesn’t mind the awkward entrance for.

“Hi Tei!” She greets, while Silas nods, a little distracted at first.

“Oh, um, thank you?” Agnes doesn’t even resist, though obviously bewildered by the sudden and strange gift. She hunches down a little to peer at it, and then the other side.

Silas seems amused when he leans over to read the glued paper, and a lot more contained in his surprise, “I appreciate your honesty, Ms. Robin. Admitting who you can or can’t work with is an important part of teamwork itself. Of course, if you’d ever like to report any of the events that transpired with Falcon, we can certainly sort it out too.”

Agnes finally lets out a guffaw as she processes everything, “You’d have nothing to worry about too! I think with our current plans, we’re hoping for totally new teams by the next expedition, just so the whole Guild can get to know each other! So no Falcon will be around in your team. Don’t worry at all, Tei!”

After Tei leaves, Agnes and Silas seem to watch her go with some sort of curiosity, after the very odd way she had put her request in.

Agnes crosses her arm and smirks, “I like her. Maybe a little rough around the edges, but nonetheless bright. Just like you, Silas,”

Silas raises an eyebrow and no other reply besides a humoured chuckle, before sitting back around to study his stack of books and papers.

2023-02-23 06:52:32