Category: Materials
Resale Value: 30
A large chunk of honeycomb, thankfully without any bees. It's extremely sticky.
Honeycomb Candy
Category: Consumables
Such a good use of honey that it would make bees jealous.
Grants +1 to History.
Improved Honeycomb Candy
Category: Consumables
Such a sublime use of honey that a colony might arrive and declare you their queen.
Grants +2 to History.
[Consumed] Honeycomb Candy
Category: Used Items
An already consumed Honeycomb Candy.
Such a good use of honey that it would make bees jealous.
Granted +1 to History.
[Consumed] Improved Honeycomb Candy
Category: Used Items
An already consumed Improved Honeycomb Candy.
Such a sublime use of honey that a colony might arrive and declare you their queen.
Granted +2 to History.
5 results found.